
Team Rebalancing Mechanic

Static Gyms are a by product of a Dominent Team
in a given area.

What would you think of a 2 fold approach:
1) Allow People to Switch Teams every 3 months (could be longer)

2) Have a Team Ranking System in an area that when you cashed out Gyms ranked the Teams
"Leading Team" = Get Current Rewards 500 Dust, 10 coin
"2nd Place" = Get 750 Dust, 10 coins
"Losing" = Get 1000 dust, 10 coins.

Notice the coins stays the same so Ninantec profit doesnt change.

Secondly, the weaker teams would get powered up faster + the ability to switch for more dust would tempt some players to switch from the dominant team.

This would likely over time, even out the Teams relative strength

Relatively even Teams = More Dynamic Game

Asked by Arak27 years 4 months ago


Looking at what niantic had put in the game since release, are only features that doesn't take that much effort to implement. Everything that is complicated are the devs afraid of it seems. so dont expect a system u suggested.


I like all the ideas to rebalance gyms and teams, but don't think it's gonna happen. I assume that you are in a minority area for your team? Where I live (Boston), there are distinct areas of different color and "strongholds".

I don't see too many people who collect 10x every day complaining about team imbalance...

But it would be nice to see more variety in gym composition. Lots of ideas to do this but all of the ones I have heard either wouldn't work or are way too complicated.

I don't have any genius ideas other than to make the CP relatively balanced between the different mons and to make the type advantage much stronger.


Only one Pokemon of each species should be allowed in the gyms. 10 different Pokemon would certainly make a change from seeing the same 4 or 5.


Ooooh. I like that. Would open up for a lot of diversity in gyms and you'd have to plan more with battles. Love that idea.


Limit 10 pokemon total in all your gyms...that should free up some more spots from people who take 20+ gyms now.

I don't think we should do team changing...Just seems strange that someone who was always a Blue/Red/Yellow player is now on a different team.

I'd suggest just restarting if the team dynamics is that bad...Usually though, you just need to look at another town area and you will find your dominant team there.


It would be nice to be able to switch if you are traveling to visit family/friends and want to play some Go on your visit. There certainly needs to be a limit on how often one can switch and an incentive to join a weaker team. Also, when you switch you vacate all gym spots held.
I don't think that giving a few more coins to the disadvantaged team would cut into profits since it would make the game more interesting (which would encourage people to open their real wallets).
For the record, I am on Mystic. There were so many Level 10 blue gyms for a while that I started to get annoyed that the other teams were not more of a threat.
