
Still no Meteor Mash Clefable in the DPS/TDO spreadsheet?

I don't think it will define the meta of the twilight cup or anything, but it certainly would be nice to see how much a single move can improve a pokemon's performance. Recently with the evolutions and new moves gamepress seems really slow to update. Is there any way to contribute? I could definitively rate the movesets of gen 4 pokemon for fun and some others that are missing. I remember they still miss one of Graveller's legacy moves in the pokemon's page. Again no big deal but certainly there are a few things here and there that require tweaking and i feel a lot of people could enjoy doing
EDIT: i added manually the move and i will attach the new info. It becomes Clefable's fastest CM and improves drastically it's DPS and TDO but not to meta relevant levels

Asked by FerLG5 years 3 months ago


by milkz 5 years 3 months ago

You can add it to it's moveset on your own.

DPS/TDO spreadsheet > Customise > Species > Celfable > Charge Moves > then add Meteor Mash.

Once you do that, refresh the page and it should show up on the spreadsheet.


Thank you i did that i will attach the updated info in a picture!


Glad it worked! Either way, MM is a huge boon to Clefable. You can't really go wrong when you have the best steel charge move in the game.
