
Want to make sure I'm understanding the whole "stat buff" mechanism. In the main game you have to actually *use* ancient power (or whatever other stat buffing move) in order for it to have an effect. The mere presence of it on a species doesn't provide the buff, you have to actually use it?

If that's the case, it still probably doesn't seem worth it, at least in Mamoswine's case. You only get to fire off so many charge moves in any battle, and wasting one on a non-stab mediocre rock move for a chance at marginally improved already awesome ice move... Doesn't seem like it would ever work out?

What are people's thoughts on Niantic implementing the buffs?

Asked by MasterMaverikk5 years 2 months ago


by Raven8 5 years 3 months ago

If it's true to game, it's only a 10% buff chance, making it largely worth it unless buffs are huge.

Also: waitwut? Is this just speculation or is it confirmed that we're getting stat buffs?


IIRC, the game files, for a few months now, have had sound effects with names that suggest they are for stat changes. It doesn't seem like it is happening any time soon.
