
Stardust, aka the new pink gold!

Not a question, I just realized something that I had to share!

I am afraid that raids killed rarity in pogo. In no time, everyone will have plenty of high IV snorlaxes, even worst, fully evolved starters and T-rexes without going through the grind and hundred of kilometers of walking.

I love grinding and collecting, but most of it have been taken away, most but not all. Stardust always been something I treasured, and right now, it is the hardest commodity in the game to acquire.

From now on, I guess, rarity will shift from spieces to level. For example, everybody will have several Tyranitars in no time, but few will have high level ones or high level attacking squad.

Asked by Spryquasar6 years 10 months ago


by razvan 6 years 10 months ago

Yep, with no dust from gym and all coins, in game or bought, going into raids so only infinite incubator running, and that at slower pace since for a lvl 4 raid you wait a lot, dust only cames from catching....


by daltry 6 years 10 months ago

On the plus side, there is no need to power up defenders. I've got a 37 point caterpie that got me a 100 hour medal.


Welcome to 2 days ago.

Yes, the game takes 0 effort now. Hardcore players are now questioning why did they spend so much hours grinding EXP, walking eggs, and taking long drives at wee hours of the morning just to catch something rare.

Now you can buy the rare pokemon you want at the low cost of 100 coins. IVs don't matter, movesets are now changeable, and unless you had legacy pokemon with good legacy moves everyone will the same exact pokemon.

The only thing that's unique now is shiny pokemon


I'm sure they will fix that... shinies for 400 coins coming right up.


Other than Tyranitar, Snorlax, Lapras and (arguably) Muk the raid bosses are pretty easy to acquire outside of raids. Maybe that will change, but for now the raid bosses themselves aren't something I find all that attractive. The main attraction of raids for me is the rare candy so I can get a few remaining entries in the Pokedex, and maybe the TMs.

The appeal of this game for me isn't the need to feel like a unique special snowflake that gets to lord my unique toys over others. While I understand the feeling that I had to expend more effort than others to get the same Pokemon...welp, life is full of such injustices. Somehow I think I'll get over it.


by Voidv 6 years 10 months ago

Yeah got already some snorlax and lapras. With the new system they are not really that good, only lapras as ice attacker.
I don't think it really shift to level, i got a lot of rare candy and brought a Tyranitar (changed FB>SE) and Dragonite (HB>O) to level 30.
It's a bit to easy now and gold/dust is sparse.


by SphiNx 6 years 10 months ago

Candies aren't common as well, even every ttar gives 10-20 candies you still need 66 to power it to lvl 30.


They come with rare candies for this reason


by aSp 6 years 10 months ago

Anything high level can only ever be used for attacking, not defending. why would anyone level up many of these mons beyond level 28 when you get punished for it?


The whole normal gyms (non-raid) is simply broken IMO...When you don't need or even want to be the very best, I can understand a lot of higher level players being upset with this...

I've always said I'm a casual player since I never grind/sit at stops, etc...but the main gym meta is just idiotic to me...

Again, I know it was done and support changes to get more folks involved/play, etc...but now, instantly opening all slots in gyms, no skill needed to prestige fast, multi-accounters filling gyms instantly, berry defense, LAST LATE NITE PLAYER always getting their just idiotic to me...

Every reason to level, get high IVs, mix of mons (prestigers, etc.) is out the window...

As much as giving everyone a T-rex, Lapras, Snorlax, etc...this "fad/interest" will die down and folks will simply move on when they have gotten enough of the rares...

Since you can go in a group, you also don't even need to be strong/the very best, get these mons to begin with.

Oh well, their game, they can change it to improve it anyway they wish, but glad I am a free player! and spent $0 so far...


by daltry 6 years 10 months ago

Interesting that their training video shows berries giving 50 dust. That would be enough to make a difference.
