
Is soloing a Machamp doable with this team?

Getting a Machamp is my top priority right now. I'm hoping to find a Machamp raid soon and since I cannot in any way count on there being anybody else there, I want to assemble a team that can take him down alone.

Problem is that psychic mons are not exactly my strength. At all.

I have attached the mons that are even in consideration.

So which six from that list would you pick?

Do you think those six would get it done? Do they need power ups? (I have listed how much candy I have available for each as well. Obviously I'm not big on powering up the low IV ones).

EDIT: I'm level 35, so I could potentially power them up quite a bit.

Asked by BlueSwan6 years 10 months ago


Have you thought about using Gengar? Double resistance to fight. Or Crobat? I'm sure there's others.


hypno with confusion...anything with confusion and a psychic-type charge move.


their current cp is sort of useless now as strong defensive mons are now more useful than high attack, high cp mons. also dodging is near impossible in raids - and sometimes pointless. so you might as well spam the most powerful move in the game.


by Life 6 years 10 months ago

Me and another guy posted our team of solo'ing Machamp couple days ago. He went all physic route with 10sec left. I had 3 3k Dnites w/ DT/HU and 3 Eggys, 2 were at 2.4K w/ C/P and one was 2.7K w/ ZH/SB. I was against a BP/DP Machamp and had 15secs left, and didn't dodge except one or two charge moves. You look like you got the right pokes, just the levels/CP look lower than ours. Hope this information helps.
