
Randomize Pokemon for everyone?

Wouldn't an easier way to break trackers for Niantic be to simply randomize any pokemon for all trainers?

I suppose this takes away from the, oh, there's a Snorlax there and everyone can see it, but this one change alone will break all trackers instantly since everyone will not see the same thing so all these sites or twitter feeds would be useless...

Just seems like if their servers are being loaded by bots or tracker accounts, etc...this would lessen that.

Maybe it's not being done because all players (millions) would now have their own instance of the game causing even more load (no idea)...or it could be client side so it's only in your local instance and putting load locally.

Bots would also be less useful since they can't teleport to wherever the Dragonite is and would have to randomly actually walk along San Francisco pier, etc...

Thoughts? Possible?

Asked by ironman_gaming7 years 3 months ago


+1 for you sir!

This would also make me play more, these days i dont even play that much, cus i see all shit pokemons and im not interested.


by aSp 7 years 3 months ago

The load on a server would be immense.
You could not do it client side without risk of it being compromised at the client end and abused/cracked etc.

Great idea...but probably not feasible.


This is my guess as well...but one thing that I didn't like/understand was why even have spawn points? I suppose this is another server end thing vs. client end...

Like I'm walking home and know for a fact nothing will EVER spawn on this part of the road and that's sorta lame I think...


It is not possible to do this on the clients. There would be people hacking their clients right away. Having everything rest firmly serverside is the only way to stop that.

I think you are probably right about the server load if everybody had their own instance. And it would take some enjoyment away. I for instance hunt together with my girlfriend, and it simply is nice to know that we will find roughly the same stuff. Adds conversation: "Bulbasaur at 9 o'clock!"

I think the most important fix against bots would be this: the pokemon does not save where it is caught, but where it was initially contacted. This would invalidate the prevalent strategy of teleporting to a good mon, initiating contact, teleporting home, and catching that great mon at home.


" the pokemon does not save where it is caught, but where it was initially contacted."

That sounds so obviously easy for Niantic to implement. Why aren't they doing that?
