
Post-Battle Healing

As has been discusses here multiple times, the drop rate for potions and revives is low. As such, I am wondering how people battle knowing healing will be necessary.

Do you tend to use a pokemon in battle until it dies? Do you revive and use a potion after? Max revive? Or do you switch out an attacker with a little health left, then use a larger potion (ex my 202 hp Vaporeon getting used until minimal HP, then a hyper potion)? After taking down a gym, do you heal right away all your pokemon, making needing to use a hyper potion to heal 69hp? Do you keep your pokemon injured until a a super potion and regular potion drop?

Different people I have played with have differing strategies. Trying to get more input/discussion. Personally, I am very conservative with potions and revives, so I have a lot of Max saved and, at all times, it seems at least one of my pokemon is less than perfect health.

Asked by pantanimal7 years 1 month ago


Coming from a city where restocking revives/potions is not a problem (in fact I almost purposely not dodge so I can take damage and use them):

I tend to use up all my normal revives, along with the pink, yellow purple potions first.

If needs be that I run out of these, I choose to dispense my 'second tier squad' (Level 30 of second tier mons, along with my army of 2k kinglers)

If the suicide fighters are all taken out, then I will go into my supply of max revives and potions.


I try to only use my Max Revive on big monsters like Blissey. If I am really running low I use the ones I am going to evolve to battle. It takes longer but when you evolve it fully heals and revives. Also if you have any that you are going to transfer use them in battle. Then transfer them post battle.

I did a lucky egg last night and have a bunch of Pidgeottos and Raticates I am going to Kamakasi into opponents today. Then transfer them and not a revive or potion used.


by Sebhes 7 years 1 month ago

I used to switch Pokemon just before it faints. These days I mainly use Blissey to attack and use a max potion to heal her. With only one Pokestop in my sighting I have to be careful with my resources.


by aSp 7 years 1 month ago

When I am finished battling a gym I will not heal the last mons.
Then when I am collecting stops I use the smallest potions to heal, as I collect larger potions for storage.
I find that the more I have of an item, then the more I get of the item, so I try to keep hold of larger potions as 'seed' the more I can keep the easier I collect.

When battling, I switch mons or let them faint based on the fight...rather than the potion usage. I let the battle and the gym dictate how long each mon stays in the fight.

My max potion, revives and max revives never get below 50 of each, or I find it takes to long to stock up from anything less. This way, I seem to get them from stops fairly regularly, and so don't run into the issue of running out as often anymore.


Always have a surplus of revives and potions. If you run out to heal your mons that's when they become scarce as hell. Same with pokeballs. The game gives you what it thinks you don't need.


I use suicide squads (mons > 1.000CP) to save potions and revives...
