
Pokemon go VS Real game, and real gym defense on PoGo

I see a lot of people having issues with rhydons, other trying to debate why they are using it.

Ladies and gentleman,
You should now accept that pokemon go is a different game and the mechanism isn't the same.
Playing Game Boy Color and pokemon go is different on many aspects:

in the real game, you had the difference between special and normal, because you had 2 different kind of attacks. The difference in PoGo is that no matter the attack/special attack, the best stat between the 2 is going to be the most useful. in the real game you could learn movesets that could fit with the team of pokemons you wanted to play with.
The you could have a dragonite with thunder and a raichu with bubble.
You could make a perfect bullsh*t pokemon become a monster thanks to that.
Teams could be very unique, and you could make weakness become insignificant.
On PoGo, there is no strategy, this is more or less a 1vsAll, the other pokemon of the teams don't matter pure strenght is the only thing that matters.
Dragonites are kicking arses, hitting better than every good matchups.
Even Arcanine is killing a snorlax faster than Machamp, or Rhydon.
Moveset and strength/weakness is absolutely nonexistent on PoGo.
You need to have a Double weakness so that the real machup can have a sense, such as Jolteon vs Gyarados. In PoGo, you are fighting an AI which attacks every 2 seconds. This is like an heartbeat, when you got the tempo then you can dodge everything. In the real game you couldn't attack 3/4 times the opponent before he attacks you.
This was 1 after the other is using 1 move. In PoGo, you can dodge, in the real game you could fail your attack. But the accuracy was not bad so it was always hitting.

Well I guess this is not necessary to make you understand that playing PoGo is like playing another game compared to the real versions.
Then, playing another game means that you will have new "heroes" such as Rhydon.

Yesterday I was fighting different gyms in my town.
1 lvl 10 gym with 4 rhydons, 3 gyarados, 1 kinglers.
No matter the 2 others...
In 15-20 minutes I had kicked out every pokemon.

Then I went to another gym with pokemons in this order:
1 slowbro, 1 snorlax, 1 poliwrath, 1 exeggutor, 1 lapras, 1 snorlax, 1 exeggutor, 1 dragonite, 1 snorlax, 1 dragonite.
It took me More than 1hour to take it down.

Trust me, CP is making people so blind...
People want so much their pokemon to stay forever in the gym that they think having the TOP place by using Rhydons or Gyarados is the solution.
But this is the only way to get kicked out faster than ever.
Trust me YOU are on the wrong path.
CP doesn't make pokemon stronger on defense and it doesn't make you stay longer in the gym, stop being fooled by that!

Asked by Zeffu7 years 4 months ago


Any level10 gym isn't safe. As long as a player level 20 or more wants to take it down, it'll fall. 4 snorlax in a 10 level gym turn you away but as long as you have your heart on it, is down


The real question is how long does it take?
Time is a resource sometimes we don't have, making the gym last longer in the end^^


Yes. Time and resources. Potions and revive. But when I see a level10 gym around my area, I take it down. I love the challenge. Not more of a challenge but more of an opportunity to give players the chance to put Pokémon on that gym. To bring that gym back to life. I live in Athens Greece and hitting level 10 gyms brings some players back to action, giving them a chance to collect coins. I've played all Pokémon titles from red to alpha sapphire. Perfect ivs and 252 evs, countless chain breeding to get the Pokémon I want. Sure it's a complete different game. But as a mobile game, it's good at it's simplicity.


This has always been true...but more often than not, the level 10 gyms that I see each morning may get taken down to lvl 7 or 8 by morning, and sure enough, folks will prestige these same gyms back to 10 by noon so having a higher position DOES help a LOT since lower level folks didn't have enough time/potions to tear the whole thing down or higher level folks are already in 10 gyms and just don't care enough to tear your gym down even though it's easy.

High level folks can do it quickly (15 minutes maybe), but even then, in a land of say 15 level 10 towers that are rebuilt daily, nearly no one wants to waste all their free time attacking all 15 gyms for over 4 hours every single day (this is the color turf battle you see now) for no rewards.

Rebuilding the gyms by the same 10-20 players takes a lot less time as they will retake the gym and the folks "know" this is their area so by noon, you have 7 people putting mons downs having only used up maybe 5-10 minutes of their day per gym.

Best gyms are ones where you have to get out of your car to attack it. I've seen some stay for over 2 weeks now on my errands each day and sad I didn't get in earlier...


it's fun to break a lvl 10 gym, i agree, but some people like myself dont always have the time to do it. And yes, CP is not everything a balanced gym with different types is a lot harder do beat, i always try to put different mons, if i see a vaporeon, a put an exeggutor, if i see a lapras i put a rhydon, i always try to put a oposite type of the pokemon that are already there.


Nothing worse than taking a gym, putting in your absolute toughest defender then checking it later and seeing it full of gyarados.

If players threw in maxed tentacruel, slowbro, venasaur, etc with unexpected movesets it would really throw people off, help gyms, and make choosing attackers more interesting.
