
Dialga was released late in the day today. Cloudy here and the one battled today had thunder. Instead of waiting for EVERYONE I got a very small group to go first (it takes 3, I have 2).

As I'm trotting back to my car, the people the other raiders were waiting for were "catch walking" the 300m sidewalk to the park's back gym.

Peeve: people with 10k catches wanting to get every catch/spin possible while 8-10 people are waiting (especially when it only takes 3-5 to win). Also people with 100k catches wanting to get every common catch when it is already 20 min into a tier 5 raid's clock.

I told the approaching walkers they needed to run/hurry bc there were 10 waiting and wanting to start...yeah, Go!

Asked by devshaw5 years 2 months ago


by GC 5 years 2 months ago

My community, when doing organized raid chains, sets times to lobby. If you miss it, you catch the next unless you have enough to so a second lobby.

Of course, sometimes people can wait if asked, but not for catch (stop)walking.

Having hard lobby times tends to keep things running smoothly.


If my community is trying to do a raid train, we'll set strict hard-start times and stick to them. When we're not trying to raid train, we'll wait on people, but if their ETA is excessive, we will tell them to meet us at the next raid. People are typically very receptive to that.


by TTT 5 years 2 months ago

In my area almost all raids get done at hatch. Sometimes there's a second lobby that starts about a minute or two later which gets the latecomers in - generally for a new boss, or a meta relevant one, in more popular areas.

If you're late, you generally don't get to raid. It can suck as in North America East our raids have the dumbest times (starts before anyone wakes up, last raid at 6:45pm). Sometimes I've gotten to raids and seen people that are waiting for a group though, and get annoyed that I have to wait to do the raid. Especially if I'm doing a raid during my lunch or after work before heading home. I have places to go and chose to do the raid based on the hatch time with the expectation that people would be ready to go - not that I'd be waiting an unknown amount of time for some random person (and especially when there's like 10+ there and we could split into smaller groups).

Fortunately most of the time these people aren't catch-walking (rather driving/running). However either way, I wish people were more receptive to doing smaller lobbies and leaving enough of the friends to let the latecomers raid still. For some reason everyone here wants to do 20 man lobbies even though we have loads of gyms and stops to restock. Like, you get better rewards short manning and don't need to wait...

At least you convinced people to do it. I rarely have that success. In your shoes I honestly wouldn't be complaining. It's their friends and if that's their friendship dynamic so be it - as long as it didn't affect your plans. I wouldn't want to have friends like that (honestly am the type that thinks being late is very disrespectful) but to each their own.


Granted there was some confusion about whether eggs were hatching into Palkia or Dialga, also the initial discord poster put the wrong time as the hatch time (still they could see the clock counting down as they were slowly walking).

Everybody there and those walking were all equal passing acquaintances, but 99.99% sure I'm the only one with a 4 y/o that was being watched by his grandparents afterschool, on a Friday...picking him up at 5:30pm way better than arriving there at 5:46.

I always try to say how easy most of the bosses are (3 to 4 raiders needed). I guess it actually worked yesterday to get me out of there quicker and still save most the raiders for the stragglers.
