
PGo has the shittiest game mechanic

All the stuff about Mewtwo being a little more exclusive and the prolongued period for the legendarys made me think about the shitty game mechanic. You have to catch countless pokemon and delete them again, to get a better one and the resources to make it strong.

Why isn't it catch a pokemon and train it. Why haven't they made the game much more about battling and thereby leveling up your mons. Maybe you would still have tons of wild mons, but you battle them quickly and thereby level up.

It's so simple and it's even a part of the original games!

And now this invite bullshit with Mewtwo + no legendaries in gyms. If you would need to battle to level Mewtwo, you would need only one. It would be rare and let's go. No need for invite crap to make it pseudo rare. No need for nerfing its stats.

In all honesty, there was only one Mewtwo. They could just have left all the Legendary Pokémon out, including Mewtwo and so on. No need for crap balancing acts that nerf a mon that's supposed to be ultra strong. Let nobody catch it, but just battle it in a raid.

Get your CP act together Niantic. CP is all rubbish and no one knows why you came up with that. Let IV count and let level count. Make the most valuable stuff rare. That's it.

Asked by elComanche6 years 9 months ago


100% Hell Yeah!
And for everyone who thinks there is enough Stardust in the game to power up your Mons your WRONG!


Your the kind of fellow whos broke the day aftrr getting paid arent ya ...stardust is currency in this game . Wastful ppl think thiers a shortage on it , but they are all broke irl. Succesful ppl will know how to save and prioritize properlly . The only thing there is a shortage of is intelligence .


learn how to prioritize and save. you cant waltz into a jewelry store and drop your life savings on the shiniest bling you see and then complain that youre broke.


This is not the issue. The issue is you make $2 a day but you need $10 a day to eat. THE ISSUE IS THERE IS NO STARDUST IN THIS GAME. Please do research before you post in the future. Thank you.


Lol if u make 2$ a day i suggest you find new work .
if it costs u 10 dollars to feed yourself , eat elsewhere
If you think stardust isnt in the game i suggest you delete it because yours is clearly broken...noone else has this issue , esp not me with 4 mil dust ??


Barrelrider13; If you make $2 a day. Try to find new work or try to eat at $1 a day! Regardless, whatever you do, please consider stop playing this game, because your complains are nauseating!


Probably because the owners of the game, the Pokemon Company, has said Niantic makes this game to their liking. And they don't want this game to be anything like the main series games. That's why they said last summer Pokemon Go will be nothing like the main series games and it never will be. So Niantic's hands are tied as they can't do anything against the owner's wishes


I agree, but I know the wild pokemon encounters (lack of battling) are unique from the main series because the Pokemon Company told Niantic to make Go different enough from the main series.

I agree that cp is not helpful and that actual stats would be more beneficial, and that level should 'count', but I strongly disagree with suggest that IV's should 'count' for more than they already do. They provide a stat boost, just as they do in the main series.


"I strongly disagree with suggest that IV's should 'count' for more than they already do"

I agree with you :-D That would be just fine


Catching and filling out your dex is basically 90% of this game. There's no way they'd leave out legendaries because there isn't pvp, beauty contests, minigames etc like in the real games.


I would LOVE if you could increase IV's by attacking and defending gyms. For example, every time you attacked a Gym with a specific pokemon, you got 1 IV XP - and the amount needed to raise the IV by a level would be 10x the NEXT level. So to go from 0 to 1 would be 10 battles, to go from 10 to 11 would be 110 battles, and 14-15 would be 150 battles. And when that pokemon was the one who defeated a defender, it would get a +2.

On Defense, every battle the Pokémon was involved in was a +1, but if they happened to actually win a battle, they got a +5.

And for Stamina, have it get a blanket +1 every time the pokemon was involved in a battle, so it would always be rising but more slowly than Attack or Defense.

It would still mean a VERY long time to raise up IV's, but at least it would be doable.
