
Out of curiosity who isn't team Mystic here & would anyone be willing to share their experience?

I use to have 4 Valor towers near me (the only Valor territory around me), but recently I've been tearing them all down everyday and building them back up w/ team members putting in Blissey, Exeguutor, and Snorlax making them work for those coins lol. Anyone who isn't team mystic willing to share what they go through w/ the gym scene?

Asked by s0measnguy7 years 2 months ago


Side Note: Team Instinct is borderline nonexistent in my area. I try not to tear down their gyms too much to encourage more participation by that team. Lol....


Same here. They hold about 2 out of 25 gyms. I just let them be. However I often destroy the Mystic gyms whenever I see them. Most of the time I do not even put anything in them since it would be a waste. This town is probably 55% Mystic, 40% Valor, <5% Instinct for held gyms in general.


I'm team Mystic but in our city the three teams are almost equally represented. Mystic used to be the weakest to be honest.

When I first started I had to work hard just to get 3-4 gyms to collect my coins before Instinct or Valor tore them down. Both Valor and Instinct used to have lots of level 10 gyms even before the gym changes.

It has only been since Christmas time or so that Mystic is making a comeback and now we can actually hold some gyms for a few days. The city is almost equally split up. Valor might have the most gyms actually.


55 blue
40 red
5 yellow

haha its really not that bad, but sometimes it seems like its that way.


Lol team yellow man.... Niantic should of done a system where only so many players could join a certain team. So we would have a more even distribution of team players.


by Sebhes 7 years 2 months ago

In my area mystic and instinct are dominating unfortanetely. I'm doing my best to fight them, but often it seems like a one man mission.


acording to , mystic is the strongest team in the world holding around 248000 gyms, in second comes valor with 200000 and instinct with 125000, my city is heavily owned by team mystic with a few pockets of team valor wich i'm in, i'm luck to live in one of these pockets, otherway i would be able to make a living


by Dhark 7 years 2 months ago

Team Instinct here and quite frankly, it sucks. The few long-term Instinct gyms within a couple mile radius only exist because they're so inconvenient to get to that other teams don't bother. And those get shaved continually because attempts to establish other toeholds are quickly crushed.

Interestingly, the harder we try, the faster things go down. A level 5 gym filled with Snorlax and Blissey will last a few hours at best, while last week ago we had a gym filled with ~1500 CP trash made it almost two days. Go figure.


by Solo 7 years 2 months ago

Team Valor here. Gyms used to be fairly balanced in my playing area between Valor and Mystic with a smattering of Instinct. The last month or so Mystic has taken over and Instinct is almost non-existent. Current ratio is probably Mystic 80%, Valor 15%, Instinct 5%. It's depressing to look on the map and see all Level 10 Mystic towers as far as the eye can see. I've been low on potions since Gen 2 so my options are limited but my gym play effort is about 50% holding on to Valor gyms and 50% doing small attacks on Mystic gyms whenever I can. I don't touch Instinct gyms. Letting Instinct thrive is good for the game I think.


In all honesty.

Players should have been asked a series of questions with multiple choice answers. Based on which answers were chosen to the questions the game should have then assigned the Trainer a team.

For instance I picked my team because since G1 I was an Articuno fan. It was the underdog of all 3 birds. If there was a Purple team or Gray team I would have picked one of those in a heartbeat!!


Team instinct here. We don't hold any gyms anymore in my small town. Not that we had many to begin with, but now it's literally 0 gyms.

Once in a while I'll take down the gym that's next to my house if I want an extra 10 coins, most of the time I can't be bothered in this weather.

On the way to work there's a few instinct gyms but in the city center they're all either valor or mystic. The instinct ones are slightly more out the way.


I'm Mystic and my town used to be mostly blue. Almost every gyms is lvl 10. Recently Valor has made a big comeback though and now holds alot of lvl 10 gyms. Which is actually better for me cause now I can battle more gyms.


This is the problem being mystic. It's great collecting 100 coins a day but that loses its excitement after awhile. I never get to use my attack team I spent so long grinding/hatching. My tangelas get far more use than my dragonites.

Even if I do find an enemy gym it's just level 3-4 and is taken down by one or two mons. I would love to actually use a full squad for once.


Team Instinct (yellow) here.

In my town there are 18 gyms, with a typical split:
- 10 blue
- 4 yellow
- 1 red
- 3 in constant battle / change

It has been really difficult building up yellow gyms here as blue just takes them down quickly.

The gym situation became very stable before Christmas, but with the release of Gen 2 all hell has broken loose. Many new players / retired players have come back and all out war has broken out.
Safe lvl 10 blue gyms that had been virtually unchanged for a couple of months were taken down by yellow / red, which resulted in a huge backlash against the (mainly yellow) lvl 10 gyms. This war is still going on with several of the blue gyms being taken down every day, but virtually all of the yellow gyms being taken down every day.

In addition to trying to take back some of the yellow gyms, I also battle one of the "changing" gyms every day. It is usually a blue lvl 3 or so, but sometimes up to a lvl 7. I have to take it down every morning to stop it becoming a lvl 10.

All this is hard work, but has given my mons good experience in defeating Blissey, Snorlax, Rhydon, Dragonite, Vaporeon, etc. and I really enjoy this daily battle just to annoy blue.


by aSp 7 years 2 months ago

Valor here...and I am in the minority in my local area - but Valor is dominant when the whole city is taken into account.
We have pockets for each team scattered throughout the city.

I can travel a little bit (within 10-15 minutes by car) and find gyms that will stand for a while...but in my local area, within walking distance I get to rip down gyms held by Mystic and Instinct, just to make them earn those coins.

Our city has a healthy gym scene.


Valor in a sea of Mystic with a few Instinct Isles. To quote Annie, "It's a hard knock life." We have a few sporadic, what I suspect are, Valor spoofed gyms that keep a roving beachhead for us other Valors to take cover along (and grab a few coins). Temporary ports in the blowing storm.
