
Optimising the daily special trade:

For those who multi account, how do you optimise the daily special trade?

Obviously the ideal is
+3 candy 100k+ distance legendary trade but this is not always possible unless you travel a lot with the 2 accounts

Some other options I see:

1. Daily legendary to legendary trade (same location), +1 trade candy and +1 transfer candy if bad IV
2. Trade dex completer to baby, trade legendary to main (to help baby complete dex while rolling a possible lucky)
3. Open meltan box in alternative location during travels (so you get multiple of them), trade legendary away from main to get +3 trade candy

Asked by Lecafe885 years 2 months ago


I traded myself a shiny Latias today for 40k X 2. I have a level 36 a different color that I never use that got it (only two operational phones currently). I traded a Feb 2017 Vaporeon 2850 cp or it...didn’t go lucky, but 8a/10/6 and 2499 at level 26.5.

Yesterday I got a lucky 533 shiny Clamperl, my level 39 main backup account got a lucky Latias 1992.

Total I’ve done 16 special trades that went lucky. Only consistent stategy though: the easy T5 bosses I would do them by myself near work, then trade with ones I’ve caught 12km away near home.


AKA "For those who cheat"


However, sometimes it also pays off in the fun dept. I saw a Dragonite raid with 5 min left on clock on my drive to work...just a lot more fun to do it and continue to something more important (work). I don’t need another Dragonite or any D candy, fun nonetheless.


by pipjay 5 years 2 months ago

Only need a much more reasonable 10km distance to get 2 candy.

Trading for a new dex entry or a new shiny seems like a waste since the cost is so much higher and chance of good IVs is so low.

For Meltan, the extra candy for distance doesn't seem as important after all the extra boxes this month. I am now saving up high level (28, 29, 30) Meltan to trade for lucky attempts and not trading any smaller Meltan anymore. More candy saved in the long run if I get a good IV lucky that is already a really high level.
