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"Make sure you’re prepared to battle Mewtwo by powering up your Pokémon and battling in raids at Gyms near you!"

How about making it possible to collect Stardust to power up pokemon to attack Mewtwo with. That would be nice.

Asked by Barrelrider136 years 8 months ago


These complaints make me laugh. Stardust has always been the limiting resource. Nothing new. Now they are giving us more top level mons (tier 3/4/5 raids with elite IV) and TM to help make more mons viable again. Therefore there is more to power up.

Also, as people get to a higher level, power ups cost more.

Nothing is new. All that has changed is less people go hunting for wild pokemon now. That is how you collect stardust, same as it has always been. It's not like they suddenly dropped the stardust available. There is a little less from gyms and a little more from catches (evolved forms give a small boost).


The difference is that Niantic makes it seem like we can power up multiple Pokemon every week. Every time there is a new raid boss, power up a counter for it?

First we wanted 6 Machamps, then 6 Golems, then 6 Tyranitar's, ECT.

In the past you powered up defender's. You didn't need more than 10-15, which you had nearly a year to create.

It's not that stardust is harder to get (it is) it's that you need so much more in a short amount of time.


The difference is that Niantic makes it seem like we can power up multiple Pokemon every week

The same problem occurs from time to time when i go shopping at the jewleries. They have so many good stuff there, and my wife would love to have some of them.
Unfortunately, i have to check my purse (analogy: stardust) before i decide what to do here.


Two major reasons your argument is invalid and you must take this in to account. Reason 1: lost 5000 Stardust every 20 hours. This makes a huge difference because 20 Stardust does not add up from gyms. Reason 2: Lost 100 coins every 20 hours. Can't forget about this one this allowed end game players to go into the shop to collect Incubators. An end game player that could hold 10 gyms a day would easily be walking around with 3 incubators at a time without spending cash. Niantic took away 2 major sources of Stardust and it is their responsibility to replenish that somehow.


Um, please don't assume that everyone can get 5k dust every 20 hours in the old system. Getting 5 gyms was already a challenge here.


"end game players"

You wanted to say: Players, who accidently chose the dominating team and live in a medium sized city or those, who were willing to spoof?
This is not what i understand by end game players.


I do understand very well. I used to get my free dust for gyms too. Lots of players in minority teams did not. This was unfair.

I have less dust now for free. I walk more.

Now every player who is willing to "Go" gets dust. It is perfect. We have one limiting ressource, all other ressources are irrelevant now.


It's fair to say the previous system was unbalanced, but there is absolutely no reason Niantic removed dust as a reward along with coins, since it's so ridiculously easy for players of any level to earn coins under the new system there is no logical reason those same players can't earn 2500 dust a day along with their paltry 50 coins.


... and now you have to walk and catch some pokemon. Hard, i know, very hard for some of us.

I really smile at those Kids (and Pokemon-drive-from-raid-to-raid-Players) with their 100%-iv-pokemon, knowing, they will never have sufficient dust or trainer level to put those 100% forcefully into action.


I know your arguments are correct but, besides grinding, two other (minor) ways to get stardust have been made less efficient:
- no more 500 stardust per gym, unless you use 25 berries, which is possible for 1 gym. But before you could collect 5000 stardust per day max, now you're limited by how many berries you can collect in a day, and collection 250 is pretty difficult
- only 50 coins per day vs 100 before means you can buy less incubators and hatch less.

I was wondering how much difference this may make, so I tried to estimate it. You could get, for a reasonable example for a rural player with stagnant gyms, 37000 stardust/week (28K for 8 gyms a day, 9K for 3 incubators x 3 x 5km eggs x ~1000 stardust each), now even if you get your 50 coins a day you might get something like 20000 stardust (14K for 100 berries/day, 6K for 2 incubators).
17K per week is not huge... but it's significant? that's 170 wild mons...

I think it's a big difference for rural players who used to be able to max out the 10 gyms a day but who can't grind as many mons and berries as urban players.

edit: I've replicated Barrelrider13's comment who published his as I was writing mine


Stardust hasn't been the limiting resource until the advent of the raid system where rare mons and rare candies became easily available.

Mons such as Lapras, Snorlax, and many others were difficult to power up because accumulating candy via individual catches and the buddy system was slower than accumulating dust.

Also, I was pretty active in the old gym system so my dust accumulation has decreased by like 30-40% which is huge.

There just needs to be additional ways to earn dust other than grinding pidgeys or holiday bonuses. Attacking gyms or evolving pokemon would be other ways to earn dust. Or, an item in the store to doublendust for 30min.


There just needs to be additional ways to earn dust other than grinding pidgeys or holiday bonuses.

No. Grinding is fine. It makes the "go"-Part in a game, that should be called "Pokemon-drive-from-one-raid-to-next-raid".

Or, an item in the store to doublendust for 30min.
Take the item "incubator". It gives you some dust. Unfortunately, you will still have to walk a bit.


you can obtain stardust by catching pokemon, feeding berries to pokemon in gyms, hatching eggs, and daily bonus from first catch/pokestop spin.

get grinding.


Yeah I was getting 5k dust per day with the old system. That equates to 250 berries/day. 40 dust/berry sounds about right.


There have been two Stardust events in more than a year and people are tired of grinding pidgeys. Gym system is so bad but Stardust rewards for it might get people into it.


Yeah I was getting 5k dust per day with the old system.

So you were lucky. Others did not get anything. Now, everybody has equal chances. You have to grind.


I think there should be a 100 stardust reward for every pokemon a player knocks out of a gym. Even 50 would be Ok.


There is nothing no one took from you. If you don't like the changing rules of the game, just stop playing. Nobody is forcing you to play.


How about Niantic allow Trainers to degrade their useless mons (down to level 30 or to the level when it captured or hatched) for dust? Trainers can get 75% or 50% dust back would be nice.


Barrelrider13; for players like you the old gym system was stagnant. Now you complain that you can collect only 50 coins a day and no stardust? We, the players, like the new gym system. It gives diversity, makes the game fun, makes it more accessible to kids and elderly alike. If you do not like the system stop playing. We do not need you, neither do Niantic. The new system is here to stay.


"the system is here to stay" LOL how many times has Niantic updated and changed the game? "your" system is doomed to change to it's only a matter of time before the Strong Trainers get their just reward!


When they change the system, if they change the system, it will be for the better not worse. Stop calling yourself strong trainer. You do not know who the others are! This game is not designed for folks like you. It is collaborative game play. Oh, and when PVP gets online, I will beat strong players like you any days of the week and twice on Sundays!


Wow.. it's surprising how divided the community is on this subject.
