
Machamp! Finally!

Having camped out at a Machop nest (since migrated) and walked one for 60 km, I hatched another to finally reach 125 candy and become the proud owner of a Machamp. To top it off, he has Count/DP!

Thing is, his CP is only about 1700 and with the nest gone, it will take a lot more walking to earn enough candies to power him up.

Is he ready to take on Snorlax and Blissey or should I continue to rely on my generalist attackers (WG/HP Vaporeon and Conf/Solar Exeggutor, both around 2100 CP)? Any tips on attacking with Machamp (for example, about dodging)?

Asked by hkn7 years 1 month ago


The dodge bug still exists.


^ To whomever downvoted this: This comment was relevant; machamp takes super effective hits from ZH (both) and DG and psychic (blissey). With the dodge bug, blue here is implying that even if machamp dodges, with a low CP relative to the theoretical gym defenders, machamp is much more prone from dying from a dodge that doesn't register, due to super effective damage and low hp relative to the OPs generalist attackers.


Nice! here my tips, attack twice and dodge for small dmg/sec and for charge move, know u enemy charge moves first(if Hyperbeam spam DP like hell, if other moves use wisely machamp charge moves)... But After powerup my Poliwrath RS/DP to lvl30... serusly he can take blissey lvl30+... agree with 333-blue, BUG is annoying... my poliwrath vs blissey, almost take down her witout using my machamp... bam! invisible pokemon... wahaha


Yeah, the dodge bug is very annoying and I get it constantly...

Machamp just isn't tanky enough I've noticed when hit for supereffective damage so I actually like Conf/Solar Exeggutor to attack into Blissey...Will probably evolve another and see if I can get Ext/Solar...

Just dodge all charge moves and spam Confusion non stop...He can 1-on-1 high CP Blisseys solo.

That said, I'd still max a C/DP Machamp and possibly over level 30 since Blisseys and Snorlax are by far the most annoying defenders (timewise).


1700 is way too low you need to take it to level 30 at least to have a chance. This is a max out candidate for me. You could fit 2-3 quick moves between a ZH usually. You might have to take a ZH while launching DP, but should be all good.
