
L20 Perfect IV Shellder

I already have IV91 Cloyster with best moveset and IV87 one with second best moveset. Should I hold onto the x2 shellders for trading purpose later on ? After evolution, there would still be enough candies to power up the cloysters. Should I evolve one and store one as prestigers? Tks

Asked by donguding7 years 4 months ago


Hard to say, I suppose it comes down to personal preference. I'm a huge fan of Frost Breath/Blizzard Cloysters, so personally I'd take the gamble and evolve it. The idea of having a 100% IV Cloyster with that moveset is really nice. What's more, Cloyster has the highest defense in-game and makes for a good dragon killer.


Well, I don't know anyone who would trade anything you may want for a 100% IV Shellder (unless you want a holiday Pikachu). And there is no evidence that trading will be implemented any time soon (or at all).

I say evolve your 100% Shellder and enjoy the 100% Cloyster and hope that you don't get Icy Wind.


I would think that you would get at least as much for a 100 IV cloister with IW (worst case) as a 100 IV shelder. Evolve the thing already.


I'd take the gamble and evolve if candies aren't a problem. Fingers crossed for FB or IS and Blizzard


You might be overvaluing that Shelder. if it was IV100 I still don't think it's worth much. Gamble with it and evolve it. If you get a good moveset it might be worth something when/if trading happens. As it stands now it's just a scratch ticket with no guarantee it will be anything more than a perfect IV Cloyster with a sub-par moveset.

The reason nobody will trade for the near perfect shelder is the same reason you don't want to evolve could turn into a junk Cloyster.

Also, unless it's a tier 1 mon, I don't think anyone will chase any IV under 100% when it comes to mid-tier mons. They're already sub-standard mons to begin with.

Yeah, I know...they have their niche uses. But Snorlax and Lapras are the swiss-army knives of the current mons. And people love Dragonites for their rarity and high CP too. Instant top level gyms in most cases.

A 91% Cloyster with the best moveset is something I wouldn't trade much for.

My .02 anyway.

Edit, read your original post wrong. But still - 100% Shelder is a scratch ticket with low probability of yielding a good moveset. As such, for trading, you won't get much. Same as above still holds take the gamble and evolve it. Get a 100% Cloyster with the A-rated defensive moveset and you might be able to trade it to someone who is a collector. ...if trading ever happens. ...I hope it doesn't as it just means rich people can buy up perfect pokedexes instead of walking hundreds of miles, hatching hundreds of eggs, and catching thousands of mons like the rest of us.
