
IV vs high Cp & good Moveset

So I caught a dragonite with a 2818 cp with dragon breath & dragon pulse .. Being that it has crappy IV will it still do damage at a gym or will his IV effect him ?

Asked by RipNDip907 years 5 months ago


by bpn 7 years 5 months ago

No real need to power it up. It is a great attacker as is, just spam DB.


It is just fine how it is. Congrats!

Your timeline of posts cracks me up.


IVs are just an influence on CP (and a fairly minor one at that--about 10% at best). If you're happy with the CP and moveset then you're all set.


IVs are just additions to base stats. They're minor improvements in comparison to movesets and the actual species of Pokemon i.e. a 0 IV Dragonite is still going to outclass low tier Pokemon that have 45/45 IVs.

There are a few movesets that have close DPS values e.g. Dragonite DB/DC vs DB/DP, where IVs might make a small difference, but for the most part, moveset is far more important.

For example Electabuzz is useless with Low Kick even if it has 100% IVs, the 1.25x STAB bonus that you get from Thunder Shock increases your DPS more than 15 attack IV, and you're probably going to be using an Electabuzz vs waters so it'll also be super effective, so that's another 1.25x damage (or 1.56x if Gyarados).

For common Pokemon you can try to get both (high IVs and good moveset) because if you evolve one and it doesn't get the right moveset, finding more to evolve is easy.

But for rarer Pokemon like Dragonite, Lapras, Snorlax etc you can't just easily get another one if it has subpar IVs, and also because IVs are only additions to base stats, they make less of a relative impact the higher your base stats are, and high tier Pokemon have good stats, because that's what makes them useful in battle.

For example a Wigglytuff only has 93 defence, so having 15 defence IV makes a bigger difference compared to a Pokemon with higher defence such as Cloyster who has 323 defence.

15 extra defence for Wigglytuff is around a 16% increase (108 / 93) while for Cloyster it is only a 4.6% increase (338 / 323), so the difference in survivability between 2 Wigglytuffs, one with 0 defence and one with 15 defence is higher than the difference between 2 Cloysters with 0 defence and 15 defence.


by GS1 7 years 5 months ago

Candy it


Might wanna check out this ( )

Though not a dragonite, but IVs dun really translate alot of difference in terms of real world performance.
