
If you could only keep 200 pokemon in storage...

If you are limited to the 300 initial storage limit, what would you keep?

A question regarding a casual(ish) free-to-play account. I reduced it to 200 because I think 100 should be saved for trading to get extra candy. Considering all the new pokemon and their varied uses (raids, gym defense/offense, 3 pvp leagues, soon to be snapshot function) they have, a free-to-play player has some tough decisions to make. Also, just overall, how would you handle a f2p account that refuses to use real money and doesn't worry about putting stuff in gyms? (Ex: #/species you would keep for each function)

Asked by GH05T5 years 2 months ago


Without delving too much into details, the essentials I can think of are:

6-8 Mewtwo with Shadow Ball
12 Machamps
12 TTar (half rock/dark)
12 Dragons (Ray/Dragonite/Palkia/Salamence)
6-8 Kyogres
6-8 Groudons
6-8 Raikous
6-8 Moltres
6-8 Metagross (with MM)
6 Mamoswines
6-8 Venasaur (with FP)
Few others to have a couple each of may be Charizard with Blast Burn, Gengar with Lick/SB, Golems, Gyarados,

You could probably get by pretty well just with that list. Covers almost all the important raid bosses. I don't veer too far off this list and only keep Pokemon storage of 900. That is high but its mostly because I have 50 Mewtwo, Kyogre, Groudon, etc for trading.


Most of what you listed is way beyond essential. You have several redundant attackers, like SB Mewtwo AND Dark Tyranitar, and extra squads of Machamps and Dragons are a luxury that 300 storage space can't afford. Moreover, 6 of most legendaries are only necessary if you want to compete for world record times of duos/trios, far beyond what could be reasonably considered "essential". Moltres I think is the most glaring example, it has only ever been relevant for 2 legendary raids so far and Machamp was an acceptable top 3 substitute for it in both.

For reference, I don't have most of what you listed and I've never had problems with shortmanning raids. You can "get by" with a much more modest list of counters.


Agreed but he asked for a list of 200 for storage, not 50. If you have room for them, all of these guys are very useful. Why are 12 dragons a luxury? If this list is all you have you are fine for space. You definitely do not need all of these guys here, but these are the ones I would prioritize and delete everything else. You mention keeping shinies below and they are far from essential. I only keep meta relevant shinies and the rest can surely be deleted. Also, Moltres is definitely very useful especially if he has the dual fire/flying charge moves.


Sure enough it's useful to have multiple teams of 6 legendaries, but my main objection is to you calling them essential. They're rarely necessary unless you go for world records and most players are very far from being able to get teams like that. 12 dragons are a luxury because 6 is enough, and the same goes for Machamp.

I mentioned shinies because I know a lot of people care about collecting them and I was trying to create a balanced model. If I was making a list of what I consider essential personally, it would include 0 shinies kept for collector value.

Fire is not a very useful attacking type, and neither is flying. I have 2 maxed Moltres and I can almost count the number of times I've used them with my fingers.


Fire is not very useful in the meta game, however why not keep 6 of the best fire type in the game especially if he has access to a great flying move as well? I'd much sooner keep 6 Moltres over 6 useless shinies. I have used Moltres many times to solo Mawile to your point.


Raids: 50-100 pokemon is enough to have passable teams against almost any imaginable raid. Prioritize strong pokemon with a lot of uses like Mewtwo, Machamp, Tyranitar, Dragons, Metagross, soon Mamoswine.
Gym offence: Your raid attackers double as gym attackers.
Gym defence: Don't worry about it. At most have like 2 Blissey + 1 Chansey or something.
PvP: Raid attackers are your master league pokemon, then split 50 slots between ultra and great leagues as you see fit.

This leaves 50 space for keeping collectibles like shinies or future speculative pokemon, if you want to keep that 100 space for daily use and trading. You might have to make some pretty tough decisions operating with so little.

Which pokemon in particular to keep depends a lot on what's available. 6 PC/SB/TB Mewtwo would be a great team for countering psychic, ghost, flying and water while saving storage space, but obviously affording a team like that is a pipe dream for most players, let alone f2p.


Great advice. As someone who only owns ~50 Pokémons currently, what you listed is pretty much what I own except I only do Masters league. Keep it diverse amongst the stronger Pokémons. Don’t invest too heavily in one Pokémon species (exceptions are the ones he listed above) since Niantics likes to rebalance, give community day moves, cooler looking shiny versions, and stronger later gen Pokémon of the same type in the future.


by TTT 5 years 2 months ago

I generally only have about 600 used, and a large portion of that (maybe 200) are random dratini/beldum/larvitar/raid boss catches with high iv that I don't expect I'll ever use (they're not my best) but are 90+ so I haven't transferred.

Of the remainder, I generally aim to have 6 of the best of type for each type. Have fewer for less commonly used types (fairy, poison, etc... or splitting grass+electric) And sometimes my 6 include some 2nd or 3rd best of type (e.g. venusaur and roserade).

I'd stick with that core, and add in any shiny or favorite or hundred%, Pokemon.

Also I'm entirely free, throw stuff in gyms occasionally and you try enough coins to expand storage.
