
I actually think they mostly solved the spoofer issue.

Hear me out. I'm not saying that Spoofers don't exist anymore. They obviously do.

What I'm saying is that spoofers don't really matter much anymore. I never had a problem with a rural guy spoofing to complete their pokedex. That's their prerogative and it doesn't hurt me. What I had a problem with was spoofers ruining the gym game for everyone else.

But now shaving isn't a problem and spoofers have no incentive to create superstable gyms. Spoofers showing up at raids even helps legitimate players.

The downside of this is that competition between trainers isn't what it used to be. There is no real incentive to create a team of super strong defenders.

But spoofing used to be the #1 problem with this game and that simply isn't the case anymore. I think that is reason to celebrate a bit.

Asked by BlueSwan6 years 10 months ago


by Dr. T 6 years 10 months ago

Spoofers showing up at raids spoils the low tiers. When you are somewhere in the middle of nowhere you might decide to use your free raid pass for a tier 1 or 2 boss. After all, chances are nothing higher will appear all day. But when the fight starts, there are suddenly two spoofers with you in the arena. The battle is over within seconds, disappointingly easy. And the spoofers, by virtue of their army of superattackers, take the bonus of best team and best individual attacker from you.


I think you can choose to leave the lobby and wait until spoofers are gone. Though it seems spoofers have started private lobbies instead, so they don't get spotted. But Tiers 1 and 2 actually are very easy and end within seconds even when being alone. Used a Charizard vs Chikorita, owned it, got 11 balls and caught the boss.


Yes i m super happy with spoofing problem. The biggest problem is gone.
But game needs some fixes. 50 coin per day is lame.
We need some kind of reason to attack gyms again.
Or we need some kind of prestige system to gain small rewards.
We need to see the lobby before wasting our raid pass.
I m pretty sure there are a more small things to look at


I think getting good mons is too easy now. You shoudn't see the raid boss before you enter the lobby. If you breed an egg you also can't see the hatch before. This would hold back spoofers from raids too.
The best way to play now is with two accounts in different teams so you can share 1 gym and have sure 50 coins for each. That's a stupid system.


I agree the effects of spoofing are being reduced pretty significantly in one swoop. If a spoofer helps me get a Tyranitar he is my new best friend. That boss fight is hard af. Also, spoofers should not be jerks, there is no reason to keep more than 2-3 gyms thanks to the new gold cap. If you work with the "opposing" players in your area, each team need only loose 1 gym every 24 hrs. 1 gold/10 min = 72 gold/day -> 22 more gold than we can even collect now.
To elaborate on "50 coins per day is lame", it is too easy to reach the max. It leaves nothing challenging to do except raids WHICH you can only do 1 free one a day.


First, 50 coins a day max is an anti-spoofing measure.

I'm not sure why there is a mental block against admitting that when things are easier for other people, things get harder for you. You do not have unlimited resources or energy and you never will.


Spoofers still ruin the gym game. I fight for these gyms in the middle of a natural reserve. Leave my Pokemon controlling them overnight, so when players go for a walk next day and beat them I would collect my coins. There's this classic local spoofer who kicks them off before midnight. So, they're back with no coins and I have to start the process all along... Spoofers suck as much as before or even more


The gym system rewards players with two accounts most which share 1 gym a day. 50 coins for each. Did Niantic think players would find no way to get most amount of coins? Every little boy could think so far. It's the gym system that causes this disadvantage.
