
How to get a shiny karp

I have not tested it for myself, but there seems to be a reliable strategy to get a shiny karp in short time:

Has anybody here tried this already?

Asked by Bruno Brezel6 years 11 months ago


As far as I know Trainer Tips did try this too. Got nothing. Well. He broke the chain after a couple of Karps.


Interesting read, I never even knew about the 10th pokestop reward thing.

I theorised shiny karp to be something like the initial ditto theory in which cluster spawns of rattatas/pidgeys means that one of them will be ditto. (Today ditto are totally random I think)

For my shinykarp I caught it in a spawn of 2 next to each other (both were normal coloured initially), but that is with a sample of 1, so you know how reliable that is.


I've caught 5 shiny magikarp

The first three catches were not in a chain, but they were the first weekend of release of the Shiny.

the last two could have been in chains, because when I bicycle the bay trail into work, I tend to only select and catch the magikarp. I can usually catch them on the first throw, thus they don't Mon-Block a possible dratini. (I really don't want to miss a spawned dratini showing up on my screen because I'm spending too much time trying to catch another mon)

After this rock event is done, I try chaining magikarp, and report back to this group.
(I'll only break the chain if a dratini appears!)


As if I needed another excuse to visit my favorite magikarp park in the city! I should be able to test this, there are usually enough karp.

During the event; I caught 3 shinies in 2 days, but I caught everything and didn't focus on karp (and didn't catch a lot of them). But nothing since the event, and I've caught lots if karp... that dark orange color is now always a disappointment ;)

Will report any interesting findings.
