
How does game determine same CP ordering?

This is truly a first world problem as I’m just looking out for the aesthetics of my CP pages but am curious about the alignment of same CP species.

Variables I’ve isolated:

Lucky status and naming convention: I have two 4169 mewtwos and the lucky one is placed AFTER the regular one. They both have the same Moveset. Initially I named the lucky as Py1 (psychic 1) and the other as Py2. They swapped around from time to time, and both know confusion and shadow ball.

Order of max out: not true again because I maxed my lucky mewtwo before the regular one

Level: not true because I am in the middle of powering a groudon, right now it is at 3804. My maxed latios also is at 3804, but is place after the groudon.

Could be alphabetical order of species? (For example my 98% dragonite and 98% metagross both are at 3783 CP but the metagross is placed after dragonite).

Perhaps exact rounding of CP? (Ie plugging in the cp formula and see who has the higher decimal?)

Or the health status of Pokemon? Haven’t tested this one yet

Asked by Lecafe885 years 3 months ago


Secondary sorting always depends on the last sort of a different type that you did. If they sort differently on recent, name or some other sort, their order when CP sorted can change. This happens to me with 4 identical Tyranitars and 2 identical dragonites, one of which is lucky, all the time. Had to scroll further down to test with two members of different species with the same CP but when tested the same logic applies.

Level and date of powering up do not matter for sorting as far as I'm aware and I doubt Niantic even stores the date of maxing, seems kind of irrelevant to me.


If it secondary-sorts in the same manner as the friends list, then it may be random.
I use nicknames to sort my friends by gift priority ('a' for people I'm trying to get to ultra, 'b' for people I'm trying to get to best, 'c' for people who are already best, or who are slow at opening). I find that the game will reshuffle all my 'a's regularly - they're never in the same order while they have the same nickname.
