
Here's an idea, actually jeddite's idea from a previous post, give trainers the option to be seen by other trainers. I have exhausted all of the social media options for finding people to team up with for pvp and raids. Short of tapping someone on the shoulder if his nose is buried in his phone to find out if he's playing the game, I'm stuck in solo mode. I could camp out in front of a gym with a sign that says 'Friendless, any trainer code will help', but then I have no way to sync up for a raid.
However, since this feature would largely benefit trainers in rural communities, it won't be happening.

Asked by stacysmom10255 years 2 months ago


I expect it's something we'll see eventually.

(1) Flag self as available for PVP
(2) Choose League(s) interested in playing
(3) PoGo prompts "A challenger appears!" with the league to be played
(4) Both players confirm
(5) Pre-match starts -- pick pokemon
(6) Match starts
(7) At the conclusion of the match, PoGo prompts if you want to play again
(8) If both players confirm, go to Step 5
(9) If one or both players decline, return to PVP queue. Perhaps a short cooldown so that PoGo doesnt try to match the same two trainers immediately

It's kinda clunky, but it's a start.


I'd be happy with being able to see a player, and I'll take it from there. If I have the option to identify myself, then I should expect (hope) to be approached by another player.


It's amazing how many stupid barriers exist in this "social"game to prevent you from being social


why on earth would someone down vote this post? I cancelled it out with an up vote because solid snake is correct.


Suppose players put a small sticker on the back of their phone that looks like a poke ball. One could even use red, blue and yellow balls for team affiliation. That way, if you see someone with the sticker on, it means they want to let others know they play, and are interested in social game interactions.

We'd need a critical nucleus to make this happen, but the stickers should be very cheap, and probably already exist. I'm imagining something maybe a cm in diameter, placed near the top of the phone so it isn't covered by hands.


How about a PoGo+ or Pokeball+? Those are both pretty clear indications that you are playing...


That's a good idea, and I hope it catches on. I might even look for a t-shirt for when the weather gets warmer. . .


This is a bit of a longshot, but have you searched through the Silph Road's community map to see if there are any Discord groups in your area? If you've already tried this, then you can ignore this suggestion entirely. If not, it might be worth a shot!


by hkn 5 years 2 months ago

For many players, the “solution” is to create a second account.

Niantic promotes Pokemon Go as a social game without implementing proper social features.


It’s a game marketed to 10 and 12 year olds .... I don’t grasp why that’s such a difficult concept for some of you... ( I know, I know I haven’t seen anyone under 21 playing in years either, other than the occasional bored kid forced to play with there parents... But that doesn’t change the fact that the game is marketed and designed for children) Do you really think Niantic’s lawyers are going or should allow little Suzy and Johnny to commutation with random adults ?!?! Seriously think about all the horrible things that happen to children everyday... And what ?!?! You want to hand the sickos of this world basically a high tech version of Van with a sign that reads Free candy and puppies inside?!?!? Im truly sorry that some of you are such social misfits or live in such back woods dumps that you can’t find people to raid with or battle but seriously I don’t think your need for a legendary or Stones is worth ruining a child’s life....


If Niantic was really marketing Pokemon Go to children, they would not promote it as a social game, with so much emphasis on raids and PvP. A raid map and PvP matchmaking may actually be safer than expecting children to use third-party social media tools.


You can't honestly say this is marketed to 10-12 year olds anymore considering child PTC accounts don't get the option to add trainers as friends, which locks them out of a ton of features that rely on it. No gifts which means no 7k eggs, no trades which means no luckies, trainer battles have to be in person, all that jazz.


by zap 5 years 2 months ago

I'd love for there to be a matchmaking feature!
