
Gym Improvements (to battle stagnation and weak pokemon)

First, there is no need to wait for the return to get coins. If the want to make it time based, and maxed out at _____, fine do it, but it should be in real time. Coins enter account while gym is being defended.

Or do away with free coins... whaaaa??? Yes, what did you buy today with your 50 coins? Oh, not enough. Well, how about we just get random items for time spent in gyms. Maybe 1hr= max revives/potions, and continue different items all the way up to a day=an incubator/"premium" raid pass. Maybe add a little dust in between. So, no more free coins, so if you want to buy something, you have to deposit money.

And if they switch it back to collecting while defending, and no automatic motivation loss, maybe for every 24 hour period the gym is untouched (not attacked), a new defender slot opens up, for a 7th defender (max out at _____).

Just thoughts

Asked by jayburn2026 years 10 months ago


And then we'll be back where we started from, with people ranting that they don't even get 1 hour because the rival team knocked them out (which is why we ended up in the 1 coin per 10 mins but 50 coins daily in the first place).

I really have no idea how and if they're going to solve this. I suggested having a recall ability after 8 hours, so that players can call their mons back. But then there might be a problem with that, such as players recalling and then instantly replacing with a brand new 3K Blissey, thus making it harder for anyone to break the gym down. Probably could be countered by making it locked for 10 minutes until next person on the team can replace the retired mon.

Many people here were saying they'd want an incentive for attacking, so collecting 50 coins via attacking would make opposite teams attack. But as someone around here said, that idea won't work for areas dominated by one team and double-account people could keep replacing themselves.

So... how is this going to be solved?
I think the instant 10 coins per gym owning was the only thing keeping people attacking.


Old system was way better, mechanically. Maybe should have just added raids, 6 max with my idea of adding 1 per day defending


This isn't a full solution, but what about something like this:

  1. Make it so that after 6 or 8 hours defending, a pokemon automatically gives its owner 50 coins and stays in the gym.
  2. Give a reward for attackers knocking pokemon out of gyms - maybe something like 500 stardust per pokemon knocked out, with a daily maximum of 3,000 dust per gym.

That would reward people for using good defenders while at the same time encouraging enough attackers that stagnation wouldn't be too much of an issue.


It seems like Niantic kind of knew what they were doing, making it a game of betting. When you put your pokemon there, you could get 50 coins, or you could lose your mon forever. Otherwise they would have made the system where you get the 50 coins once accumulated or get whatever the mon gathered. But instead, if they do go with your idea, they'll still turn it into a game of luck: you either get the 50 coins if you stood there 8 hours, or you get nothing once your mon returns.

The stardust idea sounds nice, but someone's probably going to find some problem with that, as with any solution.


Oh, no no, I mean keep the current system of getting 1 gold per 10 minutes whenever the pokemon gets knocked out. I think they should add the feature of getting up to 50 gold if the pokemon doesn't get knocked out at all. That would eliminate the "game of luck" since you're then guaranteed to get gold (provided you stay in a gym for at least 10 minutes).


It would eliminate the game of luck, but I don't see Niantic really wanting that much guarantee that you get kicked out or get the money. But attackers might want the stardust, especially to build their own defender then. Their attackers kind of need it too.


I agree that free coin collection should not essentially be random. Pokemon Go Lottery


by DrAzzy 6 years 10 months ago

I like the coins based on how long you've held for, but by shortening the required hold time to 10 minutes per coin, and putting the daily cap so low, I think they went too far trying to address the initial reactions.

I'd like to see something like 1 coin for ANY defender returning, plus say, 1 coin at 30 and 60 minutes, and one per hour there after - something like that, but a higher max coin award per day (100 would be ideal). So you can still get something in a high turnover area, yet there's also an incentive to hold gyms for longer.

Meanwhile, they could make gyms give stardust for defeating them - maybe, 100 stardust for beating a gym down completely, and 1 dust for every coin that someone gets back when you knock out their pokemon.

That's my idea, at least.


This is why people need to wait, to many people complained about not being able to keep pokemon in gyms. I had one of my pokemon in a gym for 3 days. Everyone complained too soon. The amount of gyms being overtaken has decreased and the spoofers(in my area at least.) has decreased. I still think what they did for payout made more sense, but they hit the panic button. It is what it is, i am just afraid that too many complaints will come in and they will just implement the old system. Plus i thought it was originally supposed to be that your pokemon return to you when a raid boss appears.


They should return to a reward for holding gyms. Otherwise the whole system of feeding berries makes no sense.
In fact some people get angry when you feed their mons because they want them back, it's a bizarre system.


^^^ This is a proven point of they don't want you to get coins. No dust from defending, dust for feeding, feeding means no coins


I like the motivation idea for gyms, but the rewards seem off. For example, the gym across the street from my residence has long been dominated by my team (Mystic). It seems so much so that no one else tries to take it. At this point (4 days later), I'd like the coins, so I've stopped feeding my mon in the hopes someone kicks him out. That's obviously not what they wanted when they established the berry system.

My suggestions:

  • Create a maximum time for a mon to stay at a gym (maybe 72 hours) at which point he's sent back automatically, no matter what his motivation levels.
  • Alternatively, make the rewards system a hybrid between the old and the new by allowing you to collect 50 coins every 5 days (so that the coin system matches the old one) that the mon stays in the gym without taking him out.