
Flareon vs. Typhlosion

One of my local nests just flipped to Cyndaquil.

Is Typhlosion worth chasing? Evidently, it can get Ember/Overheat. Or is it just a pale substitute for the easy-to-get Flareon (Like Blastoise/Vaporeon)?

I'll probably get one anyway to fill out the Pokedex, it's just a matter of whether I try to chase a good one with an optimal moveset.

Also annoyed at that nest. Was a swinub nest for the past two weeks, visited several times, evolved 8 Piloswine, and didn't get one with PowderSnow/Avalanche...

Asked by alevinemi7 years 2 months ago


Typhlosion is quite good it has the same base stats as Charizan with worse attacks. It boil down to personal preference but ember is a boring quick move to me.


by bufu 7 years 2 months ago

It's a cool mon and there's a nest near you so why not?

Also about that "easy-to-get Flareon":

Recently, I evolved 30 high level Eevees to get a Flareon with Fire Spin/Overheat. 3/4 became Vaporeon or Jolteon and the Flareons that I got didn't have the ideal move set. Not a single one has Overheat.
I agree, Flareon itself is kinda easy to get but you really need that RNGesus on your side twice - once to get a Flareon and a second time to get the ideal move set. RiP me (and RiP you with those Piloswines).


True, but you can count on continuing to find high-level Eevees and candies for them. And, getting a good Jolteon or Vaporeon isn't exactly bad (although they can have crap movesets too).

You can't count on finding more Cyndaquil and candies.


Actually, lately
i have been having trouble finding high level
Eevee's with good stats. If they are over 600 cp, the stats have been terrible.


Well that's my best the 2nd gen mon I have. I didn't have quite good 2nd gens mons yet except that. I managed to get a 97% Cinda and a lot fo them and I played on the Plaza for 2-3hs with the Berries for extra candy and now I have a Typhlosion with Ember/Overheat 1800cp and it's pretty good against grass. In fact Ember is faster than Fire Spin. My Flareon 2200cp have Fire spin but is slower and when fighting exeggcutor he might use solar beam before I use Overheat so ..

It's a good pokemon yeah jajajaja looks good also and I'm boored of seeing all the same pokemon over and over again in the gyms..
