
Finding Dratini

LV27 and still haven't found/hatched enough Dratini to get a Dragonite (close though, 113/125 candies).

What kind of areas attract Dratini? I've gone to my local water biomes (parks with rivers/ponds) and found a couple, very rarely. Are there better locations?

Live in Indianapolis, so there is no coastline.

Asked by alevinemi7 years 2 months ago


I'm land locked with a little river/lake in my city and Dratini don't spawn here. Maybe 1-2 totally random spawns for our whole city in a day.

I'm almost level 34 and no Dragonite. I've been walking my dratini forever.

Likely a similar situation for you. Probably very random spawns by your river. Best you can do is keep walking the river and try to get some 10km eggs from stops down by the water and hope for the best.


All research conducted on egg hatches shows no correlation between stop location / biome and hatches. That being said, Dratini seems to have a much higher hatch % since the Gen2 update, so you should be able to scrounge up some candy that way.

Good luck OP


I've read that too but I know one location in our city near water that gives much more higher dratini eggs than others. My friends go there as well and have got dratini from them.

I have always remembered where I get my 10km eggs and the two dratini have been from that location.

I have pokestops I can get from my house and never got a dratini from it.

I know what the research "says" but I also have my own experiences.


Your anecdotal experience receiving two Dratini means nothing comparedi with extensive professionally conducted research over a statistically significant sample size. No offense, but your experience just seems like RNG to me.


Ironic post.

You should never point out people as ancedotal experience when you are giving ancedotal story as well.

Without Links to the actual research, you're just doing the same thing.


Cool anecdote, bro.

There have been tons of posts on reddit, and many people smarter than myself in the ways of statistical experimentation and regression have all come to the same conclusion. Just use Google.

Referencing statistical analysis is not anecdotal. Do you even know the meaning of the word? Because you sound like an idiot.


[an-ik-doht-l, an-ik-doht-l]
Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
See more synonyms on
1. pertaining to, resembling, or containing anecdotes
an anecdotal history of jazz.
2. (of the treatment of subject matter in representational art) pertaining to the relationship of figures or to the arrangement of elements in a scene so as to emphasize the story content of a subject.
Compare narrative (def 6).
3. based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation:

You saying case study reports, or random investigation without linking, is ancedotal.

You could direct people to search for the data. You could link the data.

But just referencing the conclusions, is ancedotal.

Because anyone who takes just your word for it, is in the same boat, going on 1 story.... which is... you got it....


We are talking about a statistical analysis and professional methods ... you still don't understand the meaning of the word, despite your pedantic copy/paste job from the dictionary.

Making reference to a systematic scientific investigation is NOT anecdotal, regardless of your reading comprehension skills (or a lack thereof).

You, sir, are an idiot.


I'll go slower.

Someone believing you, without looking themselves, is no different than someone believing the original posters claim.

Incidently, this isn't a simple google search either.
As key phrases "case study on biomes effecting eggs in pokemon go" don't yield to any posts that support your original statement.

In fact, all the posts on said search seem to be 3-6 months old, and yield opposite conclusion.

So frankly, think of me what you will. I just wouldn't recommend to people to believe your story that the "Research that proves Biomes don't effect Eggs is out there"


The most recent study by silph road say more research needs to be done. No point in arguing.


...but that research suggests the biome influencing what hatched is inconclusive - more research is needed.


We do not currently believe biome is influencing egg species - but more research is needed!


Exactly. Also, it's good to point out how small their sample size is. Many people who come up with their own conclusions have hatched a good portion of that number themselves, shouldn't discredit players opinion outright, they may be right.


Try beaches or medium/large lakes. Also places with high cellular activity of course. In my experience Dratini spawn most commonly by larger water biomes or parks not far off from a coastline/body of water


Try to find nest information on Silphroad. Maybe there is some good place after immigration.


Search Reddit youd be surprised how much information is there regarding your local area. Then make a weekend trip to a neighboring city that has organized scanning opportunities.


I would think you might have luck along/near the canal, in an area like Broad Ripple or behind the Art Museum. I don't live in Indianapolis, but I'm somewhat familiar with the city, and those are the types of areas where Dratini can often be found. Maybe Eagle Creek Park & Geist Reservoir as well. Anyplace where you find a lot of Magikarp, Poliwags, Staryus, etc. should spawn Dratini, but much less frequently.

Don't expect them to be super common even in the best areas, though. I live in a water biome, and even have Dratini occasionally spawn at my house (about 4-5 times/week before the Halloween event, but only about 1-2 times/week since then), and at level 35, I've only gotten enough to evolve two Dragonites. That includes a few Dratini hatches and some buddy-walking, but also includes using probably 50-60 candies to power up my two Dragonites. I've caught three wild Dragonairs, all at my house.

To give you a rough idea of relative frequency, among the water pokemon that frequently spawn at my house, I've caught (according to my pokedex, and including hatches, and catches elsewhere):

60 Dratini
744 Magikarp
512 Staryu
520 Goldeen
337 Slowpoke*
565 Poliwag
535 Psyduck

*during the Valentine's Day event, 90% of the hourly spawns at my house were Slowpokes or Slowbros, so that number would otherwise be a little lower.

edit: one more comment, I will always try to catch Dratini when I see them, but will often pass on trying to catch the other pokemon I listed, other than the hourly spawns at my house. So, the relative frequency of Dratini is probably slightly lower than the numbers would indicate.


I live by the coast in what is supposed to be a typical water biome.

I have read many stories here about catching Dratini on the beach, but this is not my experience. I do much of my PoGo walking (1600 km so far) along the beach and have caught a grand total of 24 Dratini since July last year (including 2 hatches). I have walked 325 km with Dratini as my buddy to evolve and then power up my only Dragonite.

For comparison, I have caught:
- 73 Sandshrew (more common on the beach than Dratini))
- 297 Psyduck
- 221 Poliwag
- 133 Horsea
- 143 Slowpoke
- 154 Goldeen
- 342 Magikarp


For me they've always been pretty regular (one or two a day) at spots that normally have high concentrations of Slopokes, Psyducks and Magikarps.


113 candies just walk for the 11 candies since you get a candy for evovling dratini into dragonair. Itll be 34 miles but hey you might just get a 10km egg and dratinis have been more common to hatch now.


You are more likely to hatch a dratini now. According to Sliphroad research, dratini is now categorized as a common egg hatch. Since the gen 2 update, I got 8 10ks, and 5 of them are dratini, all from different pokestop in various biomes :/


I suggest you to visit any park or any place that have nest of any pokemon and near pond , river or sea. Btw there are specific time that Dratini will spawn. At my nearby park, Dratini always spawn around 500-700, 1200-1400, 1600-1800 and 2000-2200. I have observed this park for a month and this happen repeatedly everyday so I'm sure other place also have similar pattern. This is just my experience.

I'm not using 3rd party tracker so my information might not 100% correct but everytimes I go there on these time I always found 1-3 Dratinis..


Talk to other players in your area and see what they know. A lot of areas have discords or facebook pages, but it's also good to just talk to other people you see playing in your area. You'd be surprised how much other players know about your area that maybe you underestimated before.

Other than that, my only recommendation is to frequently check back in the spots you've found them before. Even after nest changes and stuff, I know of about 4 different spots in my city that still spawn a dratini every once in a while. They might only spawn there a couple of times a day, but if you've found them there before, keep checking those spots.

The 4 spots in my city were not near water.
