
Drama with Spoofers/Trading

It's 2017 people, regardless of what online game your playing there will always be that 1% of people that cheat or hack.
With that being said, I think people are overreacting about trading possibly being implemented into the game because of spoofers and tbh there are easy ways to fix that situation.
Before I get into that though, to the people saying spoofers will abuse trading for real life currency which is true I'll agree but they basically already do that with there click bait YouTube channels promoting websites you can buy accounts from so wtf would make a difference if trading was put into the game if they could still just use a website of there own?
Now I'm not saying spoofers wouldn't still abuse the trading system if it were implemented but like I said earlier there's ways to fix these problems. Either A.) Mass Ban on spoofers even though they will just find a way to cheat again probably B.) Make it so trading can only be done when your in a certain radius of other people playing. C.) Add B and if spoofers try to trade with you niantic should detect it and ban them immediately. D.) Trading should of never been brought up this early into the game seeing that were only in gen 2 the only thing that would benefit from trading right now is any top cp/overpowered Pokémon. Just my thoughts on that situation, other people may have a different outlook on it so let me know what you think.

Asked by immortaL13377 years 2 months ago


Spoofers, hackers, cheaters, no matters what Niantic do, they will always exist.

I agree on most you said but for me trading, as pvp, it has to be released as soon as posible, we, the legal players, deserve that feature, just because there are hackers and cheaters there is no excuse to stop bringing features into the game. Spoofers benefit from free coins, from high iv/cp mon, from a complete dex with all region exclusives, from all stops they want, dust, mons...If they also benefit from everything that is currently in the game what could be worse? They already can have EVERYTHING, trading and pvp will only bring more action and fun to us, not to them.

So for me they should implement trading and pvp for sure, just make it a phone to phone close action, for example you have to be within 100/200m away from each other to actually trade or battle. I believe they will do it do this way, someone at Niantic said it in an interview and I think it is a good idea.


Understandable and agree 100% the people that play legit shouldn't have to wait and basically be punished because of others. If we waited thought there would me more of a variety for trading with newer gens in the future but after rethinking it would possibly be worse with spoofers so it has its pros and cons.


I agree; PvP should be a priority before trading because there is little advantage for stalling the release of PvP whereas stalling the release of trading will give Niantic more time to mess plan for trading.


I would say spoofed accounts should be flagged and not able to trade. Otherwise, no trading should be implemented. Between pvp and trading, pvp should come first, and spoofed accounts should also be flagged/banned. Anyway they enjoy spoofing so that should be all they would be able to do.


The problem with banning spoofers is, finding real undisputable evidence of cheating, and no, screenshots or video is not enough, I've been "teleported" by the game for over 2 or 3 minutes with no apparent explanation other than GPS drift (we are talking about 1 or 2 km here, I didn't even know where I was in the city), and if they start banning accounts, regardless of wether they cheated or not, it will lead to people that do not cheat leaving the game, because their friends were banned, hurting the overall health of the game. What's needed is here is prevention, and that's easier said than done.


True but if a spoofer trades someone and niantic makes it to where it can detect if your spoofing or not that could solve atleast the trading part, maybe they could even implement that in gyms. GPS drifting is just niantic's gps being inaccurate so that wouldn't get you banned and if my friends got banned for spoofing I myself wouldn't stop playing just because they didn't want to play legit in the first place so that's there fault.


From what i've heard, the problem is the actual detection of spoofing; " ...niantic makes it to where it can detect if your spoofing... " is easier said then done. The apps are designed to make it APPEAR as though the player is moving at a realistic speed. How else would they detect if you're spoofing? I know Niantic has stated that they acknowledge spoofing is a problem, but assuming that the process of detecting if somebody is spoofing or not can be formed 'soon' is the issue at hand.

Otherwise, if they could detect whether one is spoofing or not, trading would be much less of a potential concern, at this point in time.


I understand where your coming from but it would be easy to detect especially if the spoofer is teleporting half way around the world trading and taking out gyms and honestly if niantic cared they could easily look at your account put two and two together when half your Pokémon are from Hong Kong but you live in another region.


It's so easy to detect/flag spoofers and Niantic can implement it anytime. They already have all the means to check/cross check- look at 100 IVs and see time/ place caught- boom. See pattern of gps vs real time travel- boom. Etc.

No, they are just biding their time- that is, milking them for revenues until it's time to make em go away.


by Sebhes 7 years 2 months ago

It's certainly not 1%. I feel like it's more close to 50-70% in my area.


Same here... I find it funny that people think there's so few cheaters in this game. On top of that, they often add "Niantic has to make sure both phones are close together when trading". Heck, cheaters can be anywhere in the world, including close to any phone location in the world. They would most likely be the easiest guys to trade with, since you could likely stay in your living room while trading with somebody across the world who's spoofing your own location if you give them your coordonates!

Personally, the day trading start is likely the day I'll stop playing Pokemons Go.


When I said 1% I was talking any game in general not just this one and like I said if niantic implemented something into the trading and gym system that could detect someone cheating it would solve a lot of the issue.


I think it would not be that difficult to stop spoofers. I just don't think Niantic has decided it is high enough priority to commit the needed programming resources to it. They could write the speed limit code more carefully than the current soft-bans. Pay careful attention to distance, time, etc. so that it is nearly physically impossible for someone to move or jitter in such a way without spoofing. Then a warning followed by hard ban. Sure the cheaters will scream louder than others - but Niantic just took on the screamers with the 3rd-party warnings. As always there would be special cases that Niantic would need to commit resources to investigate. But they are making good money to pay for such things and I doubt it is coming from spoofers.


GPS information is already scrapped from Google.maps and google maps already has altitude information. If they tied GPS coordinates with altimeter information then spoofing wouldnt be possible. All these spoofer apps dont have altimiter info they just hack the GPS coordinates. Sure many people with cheap phones and people on computers without altimeters wouldn't get to play but who cares about that. I feel like this would be easy to program into the game.


by aSp 7 years 2 months ago

1% cheat...if only it was that low a number.
