
Dragonite def moveset question

I know dragon tail / outrage or hurricane is the best defensive set rt now for dragonite. I currently have two of them with dt/o and am practically done powering them up to my current level 37.5.

Anyway, I now have (out of a pool of 7 other dragonites) three worothy defending movesets- sw/o (100% iv), sw/h, and sw/Dc (legacy). All are top tier appraisals and at just about level 20. Out of those three movesets, which one should I begin powering up now? I kno outrage has the best damage, but I find it easy to dodge. Hurricane comes on pretty quick and dragon claw seems to be the most annoying defensive charge move for dragonite now, like snorlaxes body slam.

Asked by Bauer2486 years 11 months ago


I think it makes no difference. Each of them will get killed almost every time by the first attacker or at least the second attacker. And you will not get to watch or take any active role in defending. You will just find your fainted Dragonite back in your inventory. Defense is not much fun in this game.


by matchi 6 years 11 months ago

Out of those, dragon claw is 100% the most irritating defensive moveset in my opinion, so I would definitely go for that one.


I vote for SW/O or SW/DC as both are also pretty sick on attack.


SW/DC it is like asking ZH/HS or ZH/BS in snorlax with put a doubt BS or in this case DC.


Gym defense is broken right now, all that matters really is CP.

I have several great Dragonites, different movesets, powered up to 3400+ CP.

Yet, do they get shaved? Yes. Do they get booted out from gyms when another team takes over? Yes. Does it matter what movesets it has? No.

In fact as far as my experience goes, there is absolutely no correlation between my defender's movesets and the length of time it stays in gyms - it's about the gym, not about the player and certainly not about the mon.

I can put in my top-tier SWO in a gym, it can come back to me the next day, or several days later, or perhaps weeks later. Immediately after that I can put in a SW/DC same level, in the same gym. It could come back to me within hours or within weeks - there's no telling. It could even be a SWHB that stays super long in a gym if the mons below it are strong.

If the gym has weak composition then chances are it'll fall faster. Conversely if the gym composition is strong and full of 3k Blisseys then it's gonna stand for longer - But these point to the fact that defenders hold gyms regardless of what movesets your/my Dragonite contributes.

So all in all, if you're looking for a Dragonite defender, take it from me that at most you're causing minor inconvenience to a potential attacker even if you choose the so-called "best moveset". Don't count on SW/DC being a powerful deterrent to shoo away attackers - it doesn't happen that way :(. If you'd like to power up something, go for something that you fancy and that you may occasionally use in battle.

Just my two cents worth.


Agree completely...

If 1 single trainer doesn't want a certain gym to be owned by a rival team, it will never get stagnant...

This is normally gyms someone either works at or lives near. They step outside their house or someone joked he battled at work during restroom breaks.

Gyms are simply a pissing match and a time waster to see who can waste the most time/gas/etc...

I don't even think potions/revives are an issue for any high enough level trainer...assuming they live in a half dense Pokestop place.

At level 35+, I never run out now.

I agree that movesets are always over valued and until the gym rework, the best gyms are ones owned where your dominant team plays/works/lives that people can't park/stop at. Level ASAP to avoid shaving (rampant now, esp for stagnant areas).
