
To dodge or not to dodge? That is the question...

Hi all.

PK go is a time game. If you have time, you will be above all others.

Time for pokestops, time for gyms, time for pkm...
Time to walk around!

So when engaging gyms I only dodge charged moves or high damage quick moves (that are most often slow!)

So my question is: Do you dodge all the time, never at all, whenever you can or just in special situations?


Asked by 999Vil9997 years 5 months ago


I generally do dodge most of the time, especially the first two attacks that happen quickly. I also always dodge (or at least try to) their special charge move.

There are a few circumstances where if I'm taking down a small gym, level 2 or 3 I may just power through it and only dodging a few times as I try to max my damage.

Overall though I'm a dodger. It is why I have always used Jolteon for attacking Vaporeon - even before the buff - as I can get tons of attacks in between dodges. Love my Jolteons.


I used to use jolteans but now I prefer Exeggutor!
More life more damage output and type advantage in attack and defense.

You should try it!


I do have 2 high level Exeggutors with ZH (one with Psychic and one SB) but for some reason I just like using little Jolteon to fry all those Vaps. Obviously if I'm battling a big gym with multiple Vaps its a different story.... but just fighting one Vap I love using Jolteon and his very fast attacks finishing with Thunder!


I even dodge to keep my potions and train for pvp.


It depends what mood I'm in.


I never dodge fast moves and many charge moves... the exceptions are the hardest ones: hyper beam, solar beam, hydro pump and that.


No, I want to use my potions and revives as after the prestige update there are no level 10 gyms around for me to stock up potions to use anyway


It depends. I usually only dodge the first 2 quick moves and most charge moves. But if my pokemon's CP is significantly higher, then I don't bother dodging at all.


I never dodged, then i started dodging hyper beams and later i started dodging all charge moves.
Never dodged quick move.


Sometimes I like to see how matchups go without dodging at all. Sometimes I like to try to dodge hard to dodge moves(blizzard, seed bomb). Unfortunately you will win no matter what so I guess it doesn't really matter in the current meta game.

Just depends on potions, but one full revive can take on 3 opponents so it's kinda lopsided.


I only dodge their specials unless I'm prestiging against Exeggutor with Parasect; then I try to dodge everything.


by TTT 7 years 5 months ago

For me it all depends on the quality of the defending pokemon and what attacks they have.

I'm only level 27, so more often than not I'm against considerably stronger pokemon. Which means I dodge every charge attack, and most quick attacks. I never dodge the first two quick attacks as I can't weave in any damage between them, but otherwise dodge almost any quick attack (possibly ignoring some such as Water gun if I'm on a grass pokemon).

If, however, I'm fighting a gym I know I can comfortably beat with only dodging charge attacks? Then I won't dodge the quick attacks at all. If I can beat it easily without dodging at all then I don't dodge at all.

It's like you said, time is the important thing. So I only dodge if it's needed to ensure a win. If I'm certain it won't make a difference then I won't waste my time.


At low levels I dodge alot but as I level up and find stronger mons I only dodge charge moves. Gyms don't last that long in my area so time is more valuable for me than potions.

An exception would be a level 10 gym since in this case a single mon should take as many defenders as it can. This is where my DB/DC dragonite and WG/AT vape shines.


by TopDog 7 years 5 months ago

I would recommend dodging the first three quick moves in almost all situations. The first move comes out after about a half a sec after the match starts then the second one a half a second after the first regardless of how long the quick move normally takes. The third moves comes 2 seconds after the first one flashes so 1.5 after the second. If you have a fast quick move you can squeeze two water guns here before dodging the 3rd attack. In other words bubble normally take 2 secs per move but to start the match its 3 times in 2 seconds. After these three attacks the sequence goes back to normal. Dodging these three moves against Confusion/bubble/Steelwing will drastically increase your potion efficiency. Plus its at the start of each fight so only 2 seconds of fight time lost and the resulting charge gain lost due from getting hit. Like you said time is precious but we can all afford 2 secs per mon I think and it makes the game less low brow/basic and more skilled/fun/challenging.


Prolly not the most crazed or experienced gym battler. I've won 1196 gym battles and trained 606 times. Seen a lot of experienced players dwarf that.

Personally, I've never encountered even a level 10 gym I can't get through with six pokes, the more heavily defended, the more I dodge.

As a general rule, I usually don't dodge charge moves that are 3 bars or more, and always try (mostly successful) 2 or less. I never dodge quick moves, it just takes too long, farming pots isn't that hard.

Dragon Claw, Body Slam, and Psychic are probably the most annoying charge attacks. Not the easiest to dodge if ur trying to plow through and do some damage if you miss. Dragon Claw in the hands of a strong Dragonite especially!
