
Do you feel we will get revamped gym mechanics and CP adjustment with Gen2? How do we prepare for that?

There's no correct answer here, unless you have a time machine, so if you have an opinion or a time machine pls share.
I feel like there is a good likelihood that we are looking at some hopefully major changes with the addition of Gen 2. If gym mechanics dont get changed then perhaps we might get another CP adjustment. The later scares me most, I wish they would not do another CP adjustment. I spent 250K dust on a Arcanine and Eggy 2 days before the last adjustment so Id like to avoid another similar mishap. The only mon's Ive been trying to spend dust on lately are D'nites and Lax's which I think are safe from a detrimental CP adjustment.
I'm in need of one more Gym defender and have a 1600 Cp 98% Vape and 2800 cp 93% Gyarados among others I'm considering for power up. Do you guys think Vapes will be nerfed? Do you think its best(high level 34+) to save as much dust as possible until gen 2 drops? Are any of y'all doing anything special in preparation? Do you want to see another CP adjustment like the last one in Dec 2016?

Asked by PokeMan7 years 3 months ago


I'd want them to drop CP alltogether, at least as a gym placement criteria, it makes for a pretty boring metagame, people just put their highest CP pokemon so they are placed higher, regardles of how good or bad they are as defenders.

As a side note, the last adjustment wasn't a CP adjustment, it was a modification of how the individual stats (ATK and DEF only) of each pokemon were extrapolated from the stats of their main series games counterparts, to better mirror said games.


I would love to see a gym rebalance where CP means nothing, just a number, so CP is auto generated with combine defensive stats (defense+hp), nothing more, that way the real best defenders of the game will be on the top spots. When you have the mons on your box you will see the same CP as always, the name will only change once the mon is assigned to the gym, something similar as it happens when you are low level trying to attack a higher level gym and the defense mon cp gets "adjusted".

Also a very nice added bonus will be that you can't put same mon twice on a gym, 1 of each max, more diversity, more mons to fight, more different attackers to choose, more fun overall for sure.


Both of these (or even just one of these) would be a big improvement to the game.


by thetwo 7 years 3 months ago

Ask this question over on Reddit and they'll flame you in two seconds! I know, I asked the same thing.

I feel you - had an army of eggs and transferred my Kazams before the last adjustment. What I'm doing now, is being very careful what I transfer, and what I max. Currently my defenders are
Snorlax - 5 (all level 30)
Dragonite - 2 3000+
Gyarados - 3 2900+
Rhydon - 3 2900+
Vaporean - 2 2800+
Eggs - 1 2600

I'm trying to spread out across a bunch of mons in case one gets nerfed. If I would guess, the one I would worry about is Rhydon. Vaporean, even at 2800 gets bumped out of the gyms here quickly.

I have enough candy for another Gyarados, but folks have mentioned that he could get a new quick move in the future update, so I'm waiting on that. I can bump another 84% Rhydon over 2900, but am holding off on that too to see how things adjust.


by pipjay 7 years 3 months ago

Vaporeon's base stats will be good no matter how they are calculated from the main series stats. If you have trouble getting Vaporeons from higher level Eevees, then I think you can feel comfortable powering up the 98% to at least level 30. Even if there is some dramatic change in how pokemon are ranked in gyms, Vaporeon will still be a good defender.


I'd more want a move rebalance. There are a bunch of moves that are either just bad or strictly worse than another move. Twister, Icy Wind, and Karate Chop are pathetic. Acid and Fury Cutter are strictly worse than other moves of the same type.


I'm more worried about Gen 2 actually coming out at this point?


by Dirtey 7 years 3 months ago

Unless they go full retard on a new CP adjustment it is pretty easy to predict which mons that will get nerfed/buffed based on the stats from the current CP compared to the original games stats.
