
Charts for Base Stats?

So, I'm trying to min max for tourney cups, and I'm wondering if there's a place where the base stats for each pokemon are laid out by level. My intent is to figure out if, say, a near perfect lower level mon is better (i.e Has more stats overall) than a very low IV higher level mon.

I know the CP is just a measurement of the total stats a pokemon has in the first place, but, for example, one I'm looking is a level 17.5 14/15/15 with a 1496 CP, or a level 20 0/1/2 with 1500 CP.

Does a pokemon really go up in base stats that much in just 2.5 levels? Like, the numbers don't lie. I just want to see, because maybe... is level also considered in CP calculation?

Tl;dr I wanna get the biggest cumulative amount of stats under a given CP value and wonder if a chart for base stats by level per mon is around.

Asked by GC5 years 2 months ago


>a near perfect lower level mon is better (i.e Has more stats overall) than a very low IV higher level mon.
Generally no. At the same CP and the same IV spread (ie. if you had a 0/0/0 and a 15/15/15 at the same CP), the stats will be roughly equal for most pokemon. (Edited)
>Does a pokemon really go up in base stats that much in just 2.5 levels?
>is level also considered in CP calculation?
Level modifies stats and CP is calculated from stats, so indirectly yes.

Here's a solid calculator for stats
There are also numerous spreadsheets you can find on TSR that list the best sets of PvP IVs or calculate your stat product with given IVs.


> At the same CP and the same IV spread (ie. if you had a 0/0/0 and a 15/15/15 at the same CP), the stats will be exactly equal.

Only if the base stats are also equal, or close to equal like Venusaur. Otherwise there will be differences between 0/0/0 and 15/15/15.


by pipjay 5 years 2 months ago

Well, first, base stats don't change.

Each stat is:
(base stat + IV) * CPM

The CP multiplier increases with the level, and that scales the stats.

Second, try a search on the Silph Road reddit for "PVP IV spreadsheet" as a starting point.

Generally speaking, higher defense IV and lower attack IV will give more total stats.


Oh! Thank you. That formula on top of the first reply answered my question perfectly. All this time I assumed the stats that we see on, say, each pokemon's page here were just their values at level 40 but at level one they'd be actually lower values. That formula's illuminating, thank you for posting it.

My assumption wasn't off in effect, just completely wrong in function. Lol
