
Arcanine moveset

So, how does this:
correspond to 90% of gamepress users claiming that Bite is (noticably) superior to FF thanks to the energy gain? Not only it's not noticable here, but FF clearly wins... And it's not even in a super effective scenario.

Asked by EustachyVidelec7 years 3 months ago


You have a Sauce for 90% of users saying Bite is better?


Basically as long as you don't get Bulldoze, you're fine.

The top 3 movesets are within 3% DPS of each other...which means they're basically identical.

That 3% DPS can easily push the balance one way or another depending on someone's personal play style, which Pokemon is defending (since their move cooldowns influence time between moves even on defense) and even how stable your 4G connection is.

I've always told kids to try both and figure out which works better with them. Basically if you're a dodge-bro you'll prob like Bite better. If you're a spam-bro, you'll prob like FF better.

Sometimes defender's move is timed so you can get 4 Bites and 2 FF's.

Sometimes it aint.

Sometimes you just have to roll with whatever the RNG Gods give you


FF has slightly higher cycle DPS (combined DPS of one cycle of quick attacks and charge attack), so it is better when just spamming. However, Bite is more efficient when dodging because of shorter cooldown. So in conclusion, the winner depends on how you play.


They're both great moves with different advantages, bite's advantage being it's lower CD time which allows for easier dodging (which seems to be excluded from your link). Me personally, I have a FF/FB as well as a B/FB Arcanine and depending on the circumstance, I'll choose one or the other. I'm not sure if you came here looking to tell people why they're wrong, or if you're genuinely seeking a good conversation, regardless you have my two cents on the matter -- best of luck.


by pipjay 7 years 3 months ago

The main advantage that I notice is it is easier to dodge while spamming Bite.


Whatever they say I'm comfortable with FF + FB...
I can take down Laprases and Exegutors by this moves...


I'm a fan of Bite myself...

I think what is happening is damage rounding in this particular video and his other well as how much dodging you end up doing. Depending on the defender and levels, stats, would be faster or the other.

If you run simulations on pokebattler, you can see Fire Fang edging out Bite with these stats at certain levels and Bite winning at a different levels and different settings (like when Bite goes from 4 to 5 damage, etc...).

That said, STAB on Fire Fang works fine and even with rounding, gives you that a slight damage DPS vs. Bite, but makes it harder to dodge and is overall clunkier depending on your play style.
