
Anyone Have a Droid Turbo 2 Up to date with 0.55.0 have any issues crashing?

Anyone have a Droid turbo 2 up to date with all system updates and the latest pokemon go patch? If so Do you have any issues looking at your medals? Have read about some people crashing when they attempt to look at the medals or change there buddy would like to know if anyone is having issues with this phone. Thank you.

Asked by Firesniper7 years 3 months ago


FWIW I hear this is a RAM/memory issue, and not limited to one specific phone. It could be that the Droid Turbo has more bloatware taking up more memory, but not sure.

I have a Galaxy S5, which is even older gen with less memory (2 GB vs. 3 GB). I crash constantly, doing pretty much anything that requires communication with the PoGo server.

The worst is when I get a text message/call while playing. The game freezes, gets to about 180 degrees, and usually force closes.

OR when I hatch an egg. MAN, the game hates when I hatch an egg. Any time it freezes I know to look at my recent Pokemon list for hatches.

I have the worst problems when looking at Pokemon List. Medals also, but not as bad. I have to restart halfway through evolving b/c by the end my phone is hot to the touch, evolves are taking 2x as long, and the screen starts being unresponsive/laggy. Any time I'm changing the names, it starts getting laggy too.

Gym battling I used to crash every 5-6 battles but that's gotten MUCH better.

Funny part is, I have almost no problems with regular gamplay outside of the menus/lists. Just walking around and catching Pokemon is fine.

What helped a lot was moving every possible app to the removable SD card. Then I uninstalled any app I didn't need, and disabled any possible app I could which I never used but Google forced on me (there are a lot)

Finally, I got the app 'greenify' and I manually hibernate anything I'm not using to avoid push notifications/background data while I"m playing.


Sorry for the novel, it's a slow afternoon, I'm stuck at my desk, and the only things on my nearby list are magnemites and voltorbs (lol)


We are in the same boat. During work I leave the phone open on my desk gps drift goes wild. I'll gladly take the distance though. The constant spawns around me are Tentacool, Golduck, and Goldeens. I only wish my work had a close gym I can constantly tear down or build up. You having electric/ steel Pokémon near you means you must have run into Lapras at work. The jealousy is real.


Too bad there is not a "pogo lite". The phone heating up unexpectedly has always bothered me. Even with good phone a quick prestiging session gets it hot to the touch.

I know it's demanding using GPS alongside an online game but wow....can heat up fast.


by kkmmdd 7 years 3 months ago

It's not phone specific, it's happening to lots of people. Happens to me 90+% of the time I try to access the menu. Which sucks when you're near leveling up and want to keep checking how close you are =\ .


I can only check it (medal, XP, Journal, Buddy) once, after that I have to restart the app or "the game will freeze if I click the second time".
