
any regrets on the buddy you have walked with?

I hit 45 km with a scyther and then realized its a freaking scyther what im doing changed it to snorlax. Walked with my porygon 90 km hatched two after. So is there a mon you regret walking with?

Asked by limbertbb7 years 3 months ago


Yes, a lot of them actually xD, the ones that most hurt for me:

  • Charmander (last starter evolution I needed, then the event came)
  • Machop (another 3 evolution I needed, in my town there was almost no Machop spawn since day 1, after I walked some km and hatched 2 from eggs, a park nearby became a Machop nest...)
  • Grimer, all of us now why, a part from Lapras it was the last mon I needed to complete my dex, after I got Muk I hatched 2 in a row, then catch 2 wild Muks, lol

This last was 3 months ago, since then I have make Dragonite my buddy, despite having 3 Dragonites already Dratini candies will never be useless and won't change him until at least full gen2 comes or I hatch another Lapras or Snorlax (yes I still dream about it, my last rare hatch was back during halloween event..)


I don't know how much more alike my story could be with yours :>

Except I hatched a Grimer Egg while Grimer was my buddy and I had 49 Candy. Ended up with over 60.


At least we learned from our mistakes ^^. I am sure a lot of people is on the same path as us right now.

Feel your pain with that Grimer hatch. I won't made the same mistake on gen2, only will walk the most rare 5k buddies.


Exactly same 3 as you!
Luckily during Halloween and after I only walked Dratini, Lapras and Snorlax!
I'm now pondering Chansey, too...


28 km with Koffing and 72 km with Ivysaur before the starters event. That's 100 km or 20 Snorlax/Lapras/Dratini candy.


100km with Exeggcute then a park near me became a massive nest :/


Charmander - my last Poke for the dex - 96km walked, oddly the event gave me plenty of Charmander candy (although I've not seen one since the event).

Kabuto - hatched two in a row just as I'd walked all but 1km to evolve.


by Arak2 7 years 3 months ago

The obvious choice for Buddies are the Big 3:
Snorlax, Dragonite, and Lapras. You can also throw Chansey in that list, or slightly behind it. Other than those 4 I can think of only a Few Other Pokemon that are worth making a Buddy for long run.

Abra, Bulbasaur, and Rhydon.

Abra and Bulbasuar both need 125 Candies and both have have only a 1/6 chance of getting the Perfect Attacker. Psycho Cut/Psychic and Vine Whip/Solar Beam are as useful to use on a daily basis as the big 4. Both though when you calculated in 1/6 chance you talking more like 18k a walk for usefulness.

Rhyhorn is NOT a great defender. But it is a HIGH CP defender. And it's the easiest pokemon to get at level 30 to 2800 range. Which means it can make up for about 3-4 Trainer Levels worth of CP compared to a Vaperon. So if you need Coins/Dust/Gym Defenders desperately because of the Gym Level or Your behind in Levels. There is a Logic to Rhydon for Coins.

Those are the only 7 pokemon I can see making a buddy. Anything else you will regret and finish your pokedex eventually.

And even then I'd argue against Abra/Bulb/Rhydon trio but I could understand those. The 4 mainstays are Lapras, Snorlax, Dragonite, and Chansey.


True but I thought that part went without saying. Any of the secondary trio (Abra/Rhydon/Bulb) wouldn't be a good choice if you have a Nest/Common Area for one of those 3 near by.

So thats why I look at it as Big 4 and Little 3 :>


Bro, no way. The ranking list is:

1 (Tie) - Lapras/Snorlax

2 - Jigglypuff


I wouldn't be able to justify walking Dratini since it takes almost 650 km (!!) to get enough candy to evolve one. Plus, they're not really that rare. You just have to find a riverbank and start walking.

Wigglytuff is 50km and I use him almost as much as my Dragonites



131 KM w/ a Magikarp (have 2 Gyrados, crap moves)
100 KM w/ a Togepi (then hatched 2 more..)
& Currently 10 KM into a Machop.

I have noticed whatever buddy I have with me, I catch less of that mon..


Nope, because I knew from day 1 there are only 2 truly ultra rare + awesome Pokemon in this game....and between Snorlax/Lapras there's not really a wrong answer ;)

The only other Pokemon I'd consider (and the one I had my wife walk with since she didn't have the first 2) is Jigglypuff. It's 1 candy per 1 km (a bargain) and he is the single best prestiger in the game- top 5 or 10 vs. almost every good defender.

I use my wigglytuffs more than every other Pokemon besides prob Dragonite/Vaporeon


Wigglytuff is not even a good prestiger for me and you are saying you use him to take down gyms too?

I would use super effective damage against gyms always, what is the point of chosing a mon that is top 5 or 10 vs a defender? It will take too much time and effort, and he is not potion efficient at all, very large hp pool to heal afterwards, for me he is not more than a filler, and with that purpose even Raticate is better, by far more easy to get and more easy to just throw away if you don't want to heal afterwards.

His only use as a prestiger is to kill Dragonite and there are many others that can do that a lot better like Cloyster, Jynx and Dewgong (of course not even to say a middle cp Lapras or Dragonite).


by thetwo 7 years 3 months ago

I used the 4x event to bring up my only Lapras with 65 IV% IS/DP to level 30 from a start point of 1044 CP. Then they nerfed Lapras which dropped him to 2456 CP. Sort of regret that I did not just ignore him and buddy Snorlax or Dratini, but how can you predict the nerf!!! Ever since then I've been buddying Snorlax and building up a little army.


My first buddy was Grimer. My evolved Muk had worst move set. I don't necessarily regret it, but it sucked. I also used Magikarp during the Halloween event, Abra, and Growlithe (those 2 are very rare here) since then I have walked only Lapras and Snorlax.


If you don't do gyms (and some people don't), then walking to complete the dex isn't a bad idea...I know my kids care more about catching/finding new mons rather than get a few coins/stardust.

A lot of the hard core folks here see gyms as the only endgame currently so everything other than high CP gym defenders are bad...

I'd even say Lapras isn't worth walking IMO (and I've stopped myself) since with gyms around 2700+, it's near impossible to get a spot unless you are level 35+ with a Lapras.

Lapras has way too low CP to stay long in a gym so until changes are put in for gym rankings, anything BELOW Vaporeon which people have too much candies for will be the cutoff.

That said, I've walked my grimer (hatched) 21km during the candy event and evolved my Muk...still have never seen/caught another Grimer since...

For gyms, I'd say just focus on Dragonite (or not if you walk near beaches often since you can farm tons of candy that way) and Snorlax and that's all. Eevees are common as are Magickarps around water.

Rhyhorn also nests and is common in dry/rock areas for a lot of folks...(138 caught here) to bother walking with one.


1 Guy did post a picture where we had walked with snorlax 1000km. I check'd when I got my first snorlax. It was 12.10 with cp of 2610. (you can't walk with him. It belows to gyms.) After that next one was in december. Same story for lapras. First one hatched in 31.12.

So, My first 700km went somehow like:
- 75km growlithe
- 40km grimer
-50km wigglytuff
-75km Bulbasaur
-25km Machop
-45km Clefairy
-35km Vulpix
-10km Ponyta
-30km Doduo
-45km Dratini
After that I embraced myself and put chansey as my buddy. Now after over 300km she is lvl 30 and 50 candys. Atm walking with lapras 80km.
Edit: Do I regret any of those. Maybe. But I was afraid of how effort 5km takes for 1 single candy)


Simple answer would be no. I made up for those 3km walks for Charmander candies early on with the Halloween event.
