
Allow legendaries as Gym Defenders OR remove the dust power up cost

I don't think I was clear enough in an earlier idea thread.

All pokemon but legendaries may be placed as Gym Defenders subject to the 1 per species rule.

Since Legendaries are NOT allowed to be placed in gym's they shouldn't cost the same to power up as other pokemon that can be used in more facets of the game.

One way to deal with this exception is if legendaries are banned from gyms, remove the dust cost. This would make legendaries more a raid pokemon since the only way to get them, and to power them, would be from raid candies (catch+rare) The other way is of course to allow them as defenders. .

Let's face it, legendaries aren't overpowered as defenders. In fact, most of them aren't really that much more powerful than non-legendary alternatives (Flareon says hi Moltress). With the 1 limit there's no reason to exclude them.

However, if you are going to keep the exclusion, then there's no reason to expect people to pay the same power up costs either. So I'd like to see Ninatic pick a theme and run it

1) Treat legendary truly the same as other pokemon, allowing them as defenders OR
2) Treat legendary truly differently as other pokemon, and remove the dust cost from powering them up.

This current in between sucks.

Asked by Arak26 years 9 months ago


Nope. Definitely let it stay the way it is.


Why do you want Legendaries banned from Gyms?

"Let it stay" the way it is implies the way is good. Yet no one explains why they prefer legendaries to be banned from gyms.

If the ban was removed, I wouldn't care about the stardust aspect.


Allow legendaries as Gym Defenders OR remove the dust power up cost

Answer is easy: No and No. Go grinding and stop whining.


it's impossible to grind for 4 straight weeks 4 hours a day to just power up one pokemon. people have lives.


Then don't, you don't have to, power up something else, as "they are not much better than their non-legendary counterpart" right?


Barrelrider13; You just never stop complaining, do you? And "people have lives"; go do something meaningful with your life, as opposed to complain about stardust all day in a public forum!


I have a life too. But instead of watching TV i go and grind. 30 mins to 2 hour a day. This is what "Go" in pokemon Go means, and i get 100k dust every week. It works.
Ok, it does not work for players who drive from raid to raid, sit on 100s of rare candys and 90+iv-legs and wonder why there is no dust in the store.

By the way: They are l e g e n d a r i e s.
It is ok that the task to max them out is not done in a week.


That's not the whole point, since you seem to be missing it.

Why max them out, if you can't even place them in a gym.

They aren't unbeatable, nor gamebreaking.

I wouldnt mind working for them, if they could work for me.


That's not the whole point, since you seem to be missing it.

Of course i did not get the point. As i stated before: tl,dr.

Why max them out, if you can't even place them in a gym.

You need not. If you do not want to, let them be small. I want at least a zapdos, at it seems to be mighty and fun to attack with.

They aren't unbeatable, nor gamebreaking.

No other pokemon (except blissey) is, fortunately. It is mostly scizzers - stone - paper. Good game design.
So - why max a legendary? Same reason why you would max an attacker.

I wouldnt mind working for them, if they could work for me.

Your choice.


Can you give a logical reason you don't want Legendaries allowed as Gym Defenders?

No and No, doesn't make sense without backing up why you are okay with the IMO stupid restriction that only applies to legendaries


No, I have +3 million stardust right now whats your excuse? ok maybe i play too much but guess what a bunch of people around world have 10 to +100 million stardust already.

Even if you can put legendary in gym powering them up doesn't really make sense due to CP decay.


100 mil dust isn't possible by fair play sorry . I've got 4mil and have likely used between 4 -6 mil , so that's about 10mil dust for 20mil xp (lvl 40) ...100 mil just isn't doable without bots


Just wondering, why do you want to put legendaries in gyms when there are better defenders?


by pipjay 6 years 9 months ago

They should allow one legendary per gym, in only the first spot when the gym is white. Possibly block specific pokemon, like Mewtwo, if they are problematic.


Mewtwo wouldn't even be a problem as a defender, not with a 1 limit and decay.


I can not remember who said it otherwise i would make the shout out. They said that your starter pokemon levels up the same way as the legendary pokemon in the original game. a HARD GRIND, continuous battling. the only difference in the original game is you get them different ways. welcome to 2017 where is is updated but guess what, you still get them different ways and power them up the same. I said before that i think what you can put in gyms should depend on your badge level at that gym. That being said legendaries should require gold. all in all, time changes people's mind, basically what your second suggestion is stating is that in the original game we should have been able to just level up our legendaries without battling anything.


Ummm no.....

Where do you get candies to power up Legendaries if they were dust free....

Oh... that's right.... from battling raids. The 900 rare candies I have earned have battled long and hard.

But again, my point was since you can't use them as defenders, they didn't need the same cost to power up. If your suggestion that you could play a legendary at a gold gym was in place, I wouldn't mind paying stardust to power them up.

For me, it's an either or. Allow them to be in gyms OR make them easier to level up, since you can't use them as much as others


For me, it's an either or. Allow them to be in gyms OR make them easier to level up, since you can't use them as much as others

I have another issue. My murkrow is not a real good gym-sweeper. Indeed, it is virtually unusable.
So niantic - please make my murkrow strong or remove its stardust cost, since i cannot use it like my other attackers.

Nonsense? Indeed.

Dear Arak - you know what you get. You can invest your dust wherever you want. You can even use your raid pass for whoever you want. You neither need to catch nor power up those pokemon.


That's such a bad analogy.

You CAN use a Mukrow. It might not be good at something but you CAN use it.

You CAN NOT use a legenedary as a defender.

Your drawing a false equivlency.

For me, there is zero reason for Legendary's from being IMPOSSIBLE to use in gym defense. If they are going to have some impossible disadvantage, they could use a counter-edge.

There will always be stronger, or weaker pokemon.
That's a whole different issue then a pokemon with a different rule set.


Guess what... Niantic doesn't care about your problem.


I agree that legendaries should be allowed in gyms ( perhaps subject to 1 legendary of any kind). The should not be stardust-free to power under any circumstances. I don't really like that rare candy can be used 1
to 1 on them. They are supposed to be difficult and costly to power up.


Why do you need to put legendary Pokemons in gyms? You said in your own words that most of the legendary Pokemons aren't that powerful. So why not use non-legendary alternatives as defenders?

Let's be patient and see how Niantic updates the game in the future. If you want to use legendary Pokemons in raids, just grind for stardust and power it up the usual way. Don't go asking for shortcuts. Niantic is not forcing you to power them up.
