
Optimized Gameplay: How to Quick Catch

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Article by Brian Tein

Catching Pokemon is one of the absolute most fundamental parts of Pokemon Go. It's how we gain more of our eponymous monsters, how we gather Candy and Stardust to raise them, and for many it's simply the core reason that we actually play to begin with; the simple, cathartic act of collecting. But, at times, the act of attempting a capture can become a bit of a slog, especially during catch-heavy times like Community Days or when we find a large group of Pokemon that we want to clear out, if only for the resources. For times like that, a device such as the all-important Pokemon Go Plus is hugely beneficial, but what about those times when we can't actually make use of bluetooth devices, for one reason or another?

When these kinds of situations rear their heads, it's time to go another route and begin catching Pokemon in a very different manner; it's time to enlist the ancient art of the Quick Catch!

What is a Quick Catch?

The art of the Quick Catch has been around for many years, and is considered common knowledge to many players who utilize it to burn through a group of wild Pokemon blazingly fast and efficiently. If done right, it's arguably the single most optimized method of playing Pokemon Go, as no other catch method can quite compare to the average speed/success rate that it can provide. And while most players have been using this technique for a very long time, not everyone is familiar with it. For this reason, and given our current in-game situation, we thought it best to make a quick guide for the uninitiated. So pull up a chair and listen well, because grandpa Raven8 is going to teach 'ya a thing or two!

How to Quick Catch

Step 0: Berries and Pokeballs

While a Go Plus or similar device is by far the easiest way to catch, Quick Catching actually has a number of advantages that a Go Plus just can't quite compare with. Firstly, it's possible to throw a berry and even pick something other than the common Pokeball before you initiate your capture attempt. This step is optional, but is 100% performed like normal: throw out a berry of your choosing, and pick your preferred Pokeball.

Step 1: Hold Down the Pokeball Icon and Drag It To The Left

Once you're all set, the first step to Quick Catch is to take your finger and place it on the icon where you would normally pick your Pokeball. You'll be able to tell that you're doing it right if the Pokeball menu doesn't actually open. Once you've got a firm grip on the icon, slide your finger all the way over to the Berry icon and hold it in place. Keep holding it as we move on to the next step.

Step 2: Throw the Pokeball

With your finger still holding the Pokeball menu icon, take your other hand (or another finger on the hand holding the Pokeball icon if you're that good) and toss the ball like normal. This is the second advantage to Quick Catching, as it's possible to aim for the catch circle and throw a curve-ball once you get the technique down for throwing while still holding the Pokeball icon.

Step  3: Release the Pokeball Icon

Wait for the Pokeball to make contact with your target and release the icon that you've been holding since step 1. If you did everything right, the Pokeball menu should now open as you can see in the image below.

Step 4: Escape The Encounter

At this point, close the newly opened Pokeball menu and escape the catch screen via the Escape button or the Back button, if your phone displays it at this point.

Step 5: Check On Your Catch

At this point, the Pokemon that you attempted to catch will still appear on the overworld. If you tap on it and you go to the catch screen again, then it escaped your catch attempt. But here's where the final quick-catch advantage comes into play, as it's possible to try again! If the Pokemon flees from the map in a puff of smoke, then this means that you were either successful in your capture attempt, or the Pokemon fled the battle after breaking out of the Pokeball. Check your Pokemon inventory and see if the Pokemon is there to verify!

If done right, it's possible to complete an encounter far faster than normal, and even faster than what the Go Plus is capable of managing. Once you get used to this technique, you can finish off encounters with 2-3 Pokemon while someone going about the situation normally would still be finishing up their first encounter. While not as easy as a Go Plus, Quick Catching offers substantially better odds of securing a capture with a superior rate for catching multiple Pokemon in short order.


While Quick Catching is definitely more of a hassle than simply hitting the button on your Go Plus or spinning a Pokeball around before flicking it across the screen, this method of play has its advantages over every competing catch method, as we've covered. If you've been using this method for years now and have gotten this far, then thank you for reading through the guide for the fun of it! But if you're new to the concept and want to give it a try, then we definitely encourage you to do so! It's hard to go wrong when you're able to condense a normal catch encounter into a few seconds of quick movements!

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About the Author(s)

Gamepress Pokemon Go site lead with a focus on theorycrafting and gameplay optimization and a background in business management and freelance writing.  A bit of a hermit, but also an outdoors enthusiast who loves cycling and hiking. Long-time Gamepress fan who is very proud to be a part of the team.
