
Does it matter where I get my egg?

Do my odds of hatching a water Pokemon increase if I get my egg from a stop near water?

Im level 34 and my friend is 33. He has far more water Pokemon spawns in his town than mine. We've both hatched many eggs. He's got 2 Lapras, numerous Dratini, no Snorlax. I've got no Lapras, no Dratini, and like 8 Snorlax hatches.

Is there any data on this?

Asked by OldDirtyApu7 years 4 months ago


I think there was research done that eggs are based on biome?


by kkmmdd 7 years 4 months ago

It's been hard to get conclusive data, because there's no way to be sure where an egg came from unless you're running 9 incubators constantly, or you make a concerted effort to only go to a certain stop when you need eggs. People on TSR did a study using the latter method not too long ago, and they still couldn't get enough data for anything conclusive.

There was also something on TSR recently about somebody getting a much higher than expected number of Porygon from airports/ferry terminals. I was going to try and test that out (local airport has 3 stops and is within 3 miles of my apt), but the only 2 eggs I've gotten there so far have been 2km egs.


by YodaJi 7 years 4 months ago

Siph road did a study that suggested there is a different between stops but they only looked at 2km vs 5km vs 10km not type or species. So while they did find that not all stops are equal, they didn't get enough data to really tell us how to change our behavior.


by Just 7 years 4 months ago

I was also curious about it but did not find any result online.


I personally think it does matter...

I track all my eggs pretty closely and make an effort to only get eggs (when I have a free spot) from where I think I've hatched a Dratini, Lapras or Chansey...

As I have never hatched a Snorlax, I don't think they are common in the stops I normally hit so no surprise there that I have none.

That said, I've hatched 3 Lapras which is probably a lot overall and for me, is 20% of my 10km eggs which could all be RNG, but in case it's not, I'll keep doing what I'm doing...


Where did your Lapras eggs come from? 10 K eggs should be easy to track unless you hatch 9 10ks at once.


by aSp 7 years 4 months ago

I am convinced that not all pokestops are created equal when it comes to eggs.
I believe that the stop you get your egg from has a bearing on what is possible to hatch and/or the probabilty of what hatches.

Try his pokestops, and get him to try yours.
The location on the bottom of mons helps to locate where you were when you got the egg.


From attempting to track my 10K eggs my unscientific conclusion is that the stop does appear to have some influence on likely hatch but there is still some randomization. e.g. Kabutos hatched from eggs picked up near a short lived Kabuto spawn point, Pinsir from a Pinsir nest, Onix from the City Wall stops.


I've really only paid attention for where my 10k eggs hatch and I have noticed some trends. I know one building at work I make sure my 10k eggs don't hatch in anymore because they all have been Magmars (and more recently Magbys). If possible, I try to have my 10k eggs hatch at a particular subway stop near the water; of the 4 I've hatched there, 3 have been Dratini with the other being a Lapras. Also, I've hatched 4 Snorlaxes in total, 3 of them near a certain museum on the way to work.

I would agree that it makes more sense that the pokemon in the egg is decided when and where you pick it up, but my experience has made me superstitious WHERE I hatch them given the results above.


by Impala 7 years 4 months ago

Guys, remenber 50 to 100 10km eggs is a very small sample to make conclusion on your hatches.

I hatched 5 Snorlax in the fisrt 500 eggs taken in the same area. I though "hehe those stops give more Snorlax than normal" then 0 Snorlax in the next 1000 eggs from the same area...

I also hatched Lapras from a egg coming from a stop in an area where he has never Spawned since July.

I think it is all random.

What i do think is real because i noticed it so many times is what i call the "wave scenario". Same pokemon comes like 3 times in 5 eggs and then you dont see him duting weeks or even months. But it has nothing to do with stops
