
IV and CP relationship

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago

just to clarify something
if i have a pokemon with IV 50% and same pokemon IV 100%, would the CP be double at max?
pidgey IV 50% LV 10 CP 100
pidgey IV 100% LV 10 CP would be 200??

Asked by TYC8887 years 8 months ago


The CP range near the bottom of each Pokemon stats page shows what CP a Pokemon would have at minimum IV vs maximum IV. Example:

Level 30 Charmander
0% IV 628 cp
100% IV 818 cp

It varies depend on a Pokemon's base stat, but generally a perfect pokemon will have about 20%~30% over 0% one of same level.


Pokemon can have the base stats listed on the Pokemon list PLUS a maximum of 15 of each stat. So your 100% will have +15/15/15 and your 50% will have something like +7/8/7 added on top of of the base stats. To put it into context of CP it would be like 107 and 115, not 100 and 200.


Sorta, but not quite. A pokemon's stats are a function of the sum of its base stats plus its IV's, but this sum is then multiplied by the CP multiplier which at level 40 is ~79%. The difference between a max and a min IV pokemon at level 40 is thus ~12 in each stat (this could change if the pokemon level cap changes).

CP is a function of a pokemon's stats, weighing attack more heavily than the other stats.
