
What are your current goals/joy for playing the game as a L40 player?

I asked this question when I was just L40. Time flies... Now more than half year...
What keeps you, L40 players playing? Hope you still enjoy the game.

Asked by chameleongohk5 years 9 months ago


by Peach 5 years 9 months ago

New gens and shinies.



Soloing T3 at first, now Duo T4, i want to do T5 with less trainers, but dont have a luck in that mostly just wanna do it with a big group
Sometimes i met trainers who like to do short manned T5 also, which get me very excited..


No need for that, i mostly use my free pass now.
Maybe buy 1-2 premium when there is interesting raid and i already use my free pass..


I'm a collector
- shinies
- Lv1 Pokedex
- 666cp collection
- 100% dex (lifetask)
- Lv40 dex (not necessarily 100%)
- stardust...
- medals
- walking as much as possible
- Raid solo's/duo's + a screenshot with my best time of each individual Raid Boss I am able to solo


Much or less mine too, even if my collector obsession is not extremely high.

Main theme the last half year have been to get a full lvl 40 attack team of six for each type (18 in total).

Finished with that, now I continue to improve the weakest ones towards only the 1-2 top counters.


If I collected all the lv1 and 666cp pokemon I have ever caught, I would need 4 times the max amount of space available for purchase.


Doubt that. I collected 666 mons for 70-80k catches and got to 36 uniques. Trashed about as many duplicates. L1 living dex is capped at 372 and if you keep final evolutions only it's something like 200.


I'm level 39...which is basically the same...I just keep improving my team, hoping they will make gyms fun again. I also use egg hatching for fitness...throw some 10k eggs in and go for a run.

Edit: Quick rant...I just wish they would improve the gym system to make it worthwhile to max out a legacy pokemon or a community day pokemon. There is so much potential in so many pokemon that can't be used because of the ease and lack of care of gyms. I throw a pidgey in there at 1AM, boom! 50 coins. Give us a reason to use cool pokemon like Alolan Ninetales.


I am level 38 and am switching focus to gold gym badges, which take considerable effort in dense cities where defenders rarely last the full eight hours despite prevalent GRB feeding. The game is really about exploring new places and making new friends, but is less fun without maps.


Well, we have gold gym badges to work towards so there is a reason to engage in the system beyond making your daily coins.


I aggre..
I do prefer the old gym system than the current, if the only choice is to pick one as it is without improvement, i pick the old one..
I play PoGo for the battle aspect mostly, i dont have any nostalgia with pokemon as PoGo is my first pokemon game
I like raid also and try to make it more interesting like unique T3 solo challenge not using legendaries and try using all pokemon in squad
But raid is only once a day for free, while you can pretty much battle a gym whenever you want it


5 years ago I was running ultra marathons (100km and 161km)...quick rant, I wish they would improve the jogging/trotting/plodding system. I generate no Pokémon distance unless I’m walking with periodic long pauses (or driving). This game has become an anti-goal for me, it dissuades fitness.

***However, we are at a point where eggs barely matter...been that way for a year. Porygon/trapinch/Mareep are most common for me. Moving faster would allow more wild encounters, I can throw on the run w/o even looking at it...if something flees...well, we’ve caught/thrown at 50,000 to 75,000 things...


I've seen lots of people agreeing that POGO reduces physical activity for people who were already in good shape. The requirements to stop often for many things and the speed limit being so absurdly low that a brisk jog triggers it are pretty counterproductive features.


On the other side, I've seen a lot of players who are only doing it for the exercise, as it does motivate them somehow. I'm one of those and can say that in the last 20 months, I've walked 3650km I would NEVER have walked otherwise. Lost 30 pounds doing so and now at a VERY healthy weight. Still missing a tons of Gen 3 pokemons (those repetitive events seem to make other pokemons rarer) and I'm rural. Don't care, the slower I get them all, the better. Only drawback, I only do raids up to T3, or those rare one I stumble on where a group of players is already there. So, I'm starving for legendary, and kind of love the possibility to trade and improve the few I have.


Speaking as a level 39 myself: No way, no how is this the same as level 40, neither basically nor remotely. If at this point of the game you are still not level 40 (and have been level 40 for quite some time) you are either a noob or, even worse, a casual. You might not know from first-hand experience how much better the original footprint tracking system was. You were not around when the movepool changed for the first time and a stone-throwing watersnail became a legendary legacy. You do not feel the dread facing the prospect that your priceless stone-throwing watersnail might become common as dirt at some community day. You did not spend $$$ to get candy and stardust to boost your Snorlax and Lapras only to see them fall ever deeper into irrelevance with every update of the game. [crazyrantmodeoff] [backtoplayinglikethecasual39ernoobiam]


Current goals:
Grinding research to compete with a friend for ranking in the TL40 survey.
Reaching 100k catches.
Reaching 60m exp.
Maxing 100 pokemon (followed by maxing 100 unique species).
Getting up to 50 gold gyms.
Reaching the next 1000km in jogger.
Scoring a 100% Eevee from research.

Of course I like new content whenever we get any and I'm looking forward to gen 4 a lot. Used to be big on raid challenges but it's getting stale, the unique challenge hasn't been challenging in a while outside of very hard bosses like Jolteon and frankly I dislike Pokemon SIT.

I also used to have a cp666 and a L1 collection but I got rid of most of them recently to make space. Not sure if I'll start collections like that again, after a while they become frustrating.


Almost, 15a/15/14 eevee. Really like when I catch marill and hoppip, easiest water/grass for me to evolve


Dang, so close. I don't mind 98% Eevees but I really would like that hundo, it's been the top of my want list in this game for more than a year.


For me keeping playing is about finding new challenges and goals.

1) I love walking.

2) Always have a couple of small goals (maxing the next mon, get to a nice number in some medal, etc)

3) Several different long term goals, so that you always feel you are progressing with something. Getting a full set of shinies or a full dex will certainly hit some roadblocks without any progression for several months.


Get to 30 and 90 day friends and switch things back and forth to get even one 100%. Guaranteed certainty this is a major stall crutch til new mechanics/content/generations available


Shinies and perfects


I'm an addict.

Highlights include:
Shiny Karp hunting
95+% living dex
Toydex: good appraisal lv1s
Gold gymming
Working to have the highest numbers in raid lobby.
Building battles won on prererred mons

The social aspect is nice too. I'm sure most of y'all have a nice community of players: both allies and villains!


I mostly keep 10cp pokemon to quickly power things up when a task asks for 3 powerups--I'd keep a 95%+ level 1 for sure though


Powering up a Level 1 Mon 3 times is just 600 Stardust - that's literally less Stardust than catching a single Weather Boosted Beedrill or other Stage 2 Weather Boosted Pokémon. I generally do the same thing when I'm on the bus or otherwise in a bit of a hurry and want to finish that task off quick and cheap.


It's 6 normal catches down the drain. It being a small amount doesn't make it not a waste. You could easily name your current powerup project so that you can find it in a second with the search. It literally takes me more time to change to order by cp and scroll all the way down than to type 2 characters into the search bar to find what I'm currently powering up.


Seriously, you're taking this 600 Stardust thing way more seriously than it deserves. I'm betting that even our resident "I'm In A Stardust Drought! Niantic Needs To Give More Stardust!" poster wouldn't put this much effort into trying to convince people that 600 Stardust is a "waste".

Yeah, technically it's a "waste". So is tossing out an "empty" pop bottle when there's technically still liquid in it. So is tossing out the leaves and stem on a head of broccoli. So is throwing away most apple cores. It's barely a blip on the Stardust radar of most players - even players like me, who are regularly down to less than 1000 Stardust (because I tend to power things up on a daily basis by at least 2 power ups), can easily afford to "waste" 600 Stardust to get a research task done immediately, get that reward and get on with our Pokémon Go lives.


Wasting dust doesn't let you complete the task any faster. You can be lazy and throw away precious dust all you want, I'm just pointing out the fact that it's a complete waste.

EDIT: I figure I've done at least 200 of those powerup quests, possibly double that. Is 120000+ dust still irrelevant?


I've done 252 trades all of them between my own accounts...that is 252 x 100 x 2. Can't say there is any point in doing that other than to see what happens. Same with seeing the next task.


You get IV rerolls and candy for that so it's a tradeoff, not a waste. Powering up mons you know you're going to trash gives you literally no gain.


Level 39 here, but that's essentially Level 40 for all the mechanical benefits. And with these insane Triple XP/Double XP/10,000 XP for the Great Friends (I've got 10 or so now)/20,000 XP for Legendry Raids/Other XP boosting events going on, I've been taking it easy over the past month or so and I've STILL picked up more than 1,000,000 XP. Only used three Lucky Eggs in that time (for a triple Legendary raid sequence, and 2 for the Larvitar Community Day). Level 40 isn't going to feel like much of an accomplishment for me when that day comes.

But what keeps me going:

A) Male and Female 100% of each Pokémon family (ie: 1 100% Male of Weedle/Kakuna/Beedril and 1 100% Female of Weedle/Kakuna/Beedril)
B) 20,000 Gym Defense Hours (at 15,200+ right now; thinking of raising this to 25,000 to make it more of a challenge)
C) 50,000 Pokémon caught (at 31,000 right now)
D) 10,000 Gym Battles (at 1,950 right now - this one will be the toughest for me to get)
E) Level 40 for every one of my main attackers - including Legendary's (this... is probably more difficult than finding a 100% of each due to my bad luck with Rare Candies in Raids.)


Those are some abstract goals. Why not just do 30,000 gym hours for a super duper challenge? Is there a certain date this needs to be completed by? If not, then it's not really a challenged so much as a milestone that you're gonna come across either way.


Pretty much every personal goal in Pokémon Go is an abstract goal. That's almost the definition of "personal goal" - it's a goal that I decide for myself, based on what I want at the time.

As for these not being challenging if I don't put a date in there, why would I put a date in there? It's a game - I want these to happen sooner rather than later, they're what I'm currently working on, but the overall goal is fun. Say I put a goal of "20,000 Hours by October 7, 2018", and I take a gym today - then someone takes it from me in less than 10 minutes? (something which happens on a regular basis with one of the new gyms in my area - it's like some of the newbies to the area have decided to claim that individual gym, and will kick people off who aren't part of their group. Rather annoying.) Stress, stress, anger, aggravation, now I have to go back and take that gym again because I need to hold as many gyms as I can as quickly as I can since I need 48hrs of Gym Defense every day so I can reach 20,000 hrs by October 7, 2018 so I can't afford to have even one gym being taken from me so quickly and ARGH!

So no, no dates. Goals I'm working toward - I'd like them now, but I'm not going to stress myself out over it. I see a gym that the defenders have been defending for only 6 hours? Not going to take it down just to make my goal - I'll look for a gym where the defenders are at 8hrs 20min or longer. I've been on a gym for 8hrs 20min, and someone is taking it down? Not going to GR it just to get an extra few minutes. Etc. Putting a date on when I have to have these things done by puts more stress on the game than it's worth.

And there isn't much of a guarantee that I'll reach any of those goals without doing anything different - even the 25,000 hrs of Gym Defense and Catching 50,000 Pokémon will take extra effort to reach before the end of my days playing Pokémon Go. (Eventually the game will come to an end, and it's likely that I will have moved on well before that time as something else comes up that I like better, or I move to a rural or suburban area and can't play the game regularly anymore, etc.) 2 years is pretty nice for a mobile game, but these games have a finite lifetime.


Apart from the fact that I still like playing the game, I also set multiple goals for myself.
I've set three main goals for me this summer.

1. Reach 30 million XP. I am about 2 million short of that and unfortunately I am at a place with limited activity. Might reach 29 million.

2. Reach 1000 tasks. I am at about 940 so I should make it.

3. Reach 10 million Stardust. About 500k shy of that. Still hopeful of reaching the goal.


Gyms and shinys


1. Shinydex. Genderdex. Regional trading.
2. Hit the 3k and 4K CP club for all mons that can.
3. T3 solo raid times. Eventually want to get teams for T4 and T5 speed raiding. Would love to 3 man M2.
4. We mapped out all the local gyms in our area, 41 total. We have a leaderboard we are tracking for most gold. That’s been real fun and sparked play/gym turn over.
5. Have each move of each mon.
6. Resource management. Getting the most out of the game and goal advancement with the least amount of commitment.

I’m sure there are other micro goals I’m chasing that I forgot to mention. All in all, it’s a great game that’s kept my attention far longer than most.


Also, i have a friend who is going for 1,000 candy of each species. I thought that was an interesting one that no one mentioned yet.


That's an interesting one, although I could never get there because my Chansey candy goes straight into use when I get any.


That is wayyy too much effort me to even consider.


by zap 5 years 9 months ago

Nothing really.

Occasionally coming by some semi-rare pokemon I guess?
Using unique pokemon to battle, but that's easily over-shadowed burdened by the fact that if I don't finish fast enough, they'll be golden-berried.


Shiny Feebas

1080 1324 4015
