
Team leaders influence on the PvP meta

Since we will be able to battle the team leaders for rewards, the teams they use may have a significant influence on the PvP meta. What do you think?

Asked by hkn5 years 4 months ago


Probably none, they probably arent going to be using legendaries or legacy move pokemon. Its also probably likely they arent going to hve multiple teams, so after we figure out what they are using, we just bring their hard counters.

The only legendary I could see them using is the mascot of their teams in the unlimited league, but I think we all have high level SD tyrantiar to deal with moltres and articuno.


I agree with MM that it's possible it will play out this way, but that would make it really boring to get one's reward from a trainer each and every day.

I'm hopeful that they will have somewhat randomized and somewhat optimized teams that change constantly, so it could be more of a challenge. I could see each team leader focusing on their types (fire/ice/electric), but also using other pokemon.

Of course, when there's a choice between what we think Niantic will do and what they should do, will do usually wins out, ....

I also wonder if the team leaders will employ an intelligent switching out strategy, or will they just fight until one goes down, and plug in another one. I could see that happening at first, and later on they develop a semblance of strategy, once the interns at Niantic figure out a good algorithm and code it.


I hope that as time goes on, and niantic sees the kind of strategies and teams people use, and start making team leaders use pokemon able to counter them.


by TTT 5 years 4 months ago

Don't see how the leaders could impact the meta - I don't think I've seen anything that forces you to lock in a PvP team and not change it. Counter your leader, then switch to your normal team for PvP.


True. Perhaps the only impact is that hard counters to team leaders will become more worth powering up.


I suspect it will be the simplest option first, either a team set each day, or a random selection from a short list. Maybe they will add features over time; but right now, they probably just want to get it working.


I believe the will have no influence whatsoever, mainly because the leaders will be somewhat easy. I think the reason they're even adding the leaders is because of the child accounts and how those accounts are missing out on friends and trades.


Hopefully training against the leaders will be interesting/challenging, and not one-dimensional as some here have suggested. It wouldn’t be difficult for their teams to be randomly selected (after all, this game has been permeated by RNG since the beginning).

I could see them letting trainers pick a difficulty level to accommodate different levels of experience.

If the rewards from training are good enough to make training an important part of pvp, then I suppose that would be a de facto influence on the meta.

But really it’s all speculation and anyone that claims to know is just guessing at this point, unless they have inside information.


by Pingo 5 years 4 months ago

I can see this happen. IF team leaders have a more or less predictable team a lot of players will save a counter Team. In real pvp they may chose the same - lazyness or accidental doesn't matter.
While other lazy players probably go with the team whatever youtube says is best.

However, if u try to counter them too much, it is not unlikely that you'll end up as an easy fight for everyone not having those teams.
