
Shiny Groudon Powerup

I got a shiny groudon 2332 CP with 15HP 15A 11D. I have 62 rare candies and 15 groudon candies. Should I power him up or wait and see if I get a better one?

Asked by Yellow_Sponge5 years 3 months ago


I'd definitely power up a groudon like that.

Thats the same stats at the best normal groudon I have, and I plan to power it up.

I'd say wait for now, groudon isnt what is used to be agaisnt itself and Kyogre, so I'd hold off all groudon power ups until after this event. If you dont get a better shiny, i'd definitely consider powering it up


Wait. There's still more than a week to raid it and it's not like you need it right now for anything. Even if you end up powering up this shiny, it's better to get more Groudon candy instead of spending RC.


In a realtime combat situation, you'd never notice the difference between your 11D Groudon and a hypothetical 15D. Those extra 4 defensive IVs serve no purpose other to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

If you have need of a great Ground attacker, I wouldnt hesitate. If you already have a couple lvl 30ish Groudons, you'll probably find that you don't need more than a few.


What do you do currently with a couple lvl 30ish Groudons? I have one Groudon and I can't say I've felt like I needed more.


Currently nothing other the odd Lunatone raid or random PvP use.

They were used a ton last month for Heatran duos and allowed me to solo Jolteon, Flareon and Ninetales in the past. They've definitely earned their keep


I used Gyarados for the fire types (which I'd powered up for Groudon raids earlier), only needed the one Groudon for soloing Jolteon, could duo Heatran with just the one Groudon and some Machamps and currently Metagross is a better counter to Lunatone/Solrock raids in neutral weather. Not that the last one matters because the solo is trivially easy.

Maybe it's just because I already had the alternatives powered up, but like I said, I don't see much use for multiple Groudons. Clear weather isn't very common here so that's a factor as well.


Well, I have 3 maxed ones that I used to duo and shortman Heatran. I started out with 2 and found myself needing a third 'cause my wife and I got in an impossible match and couldn't finish the raid by ourselves without the extra punch. Having several of the best of each type I pretty much a must on the high-level play meta. It's the difference between being a Pokemon Trainer and the Pokemon Master that carries others in raids
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I never saw a need to carry a weak player through a Heatran duo personally, everyone I play with can pull their own weight. Maybe it paid off for you, but it wouldn't have paid off for me. One is all you need for pokedraft and most of Groudon's use cases, those being Jolteon solo and Heatran duo.


It would have if you tried to challenge yourself against it but it is fine if you can just go with the flow. My area is pretty active as well, but there's no fun in beating a raid boss in under 30 seconds because you are just tagging along.
It is not a "need" per se, but all the extra balls I got from being the best (16 at worst but 18 pretty much all of the time) did pay off 'cause I pinapped and caught 90% of my Heatran encounters so there's also that. I won't judge you for wanting to stay average, you must have a better resource stock than I do atm after all


How do you challenge yourself when the duo is trivial? I mostly did duos for Heatran and none of them were even remotely close to failing.

I probably don't have a better resource stock actually, I don't have the willingness to spend money or lately also time, to raid a lot and accumulate rare candy.

As for wanting to stay average, by my last count I had more than 110 pokemon maxed, I think I might be a bit above the average pokemon trainer. Nice try patronizing and putting yourself on a pedestal, but it doesn't work on me. Pokedraft and PvP to me are significantly more interesting ways to compete than maxing multiples of the same legendary so you can carry casuals.


by TTT 5 years 3 months ago

I'd probably only prioritize a normal hundo or a shiny higher IV (with 15 attack) over that.

There's absolutely no reason NOT to wait until after the event ends, as there's no use for Groudon right this instant. That's a KILLER catch though - congrats!


Seriously the event just started.... wait


You also need to decide if this Groudon is better used in Raids or in PvP. If the latter, you'd power it up to just under CP 2500 for the Ultra league (the closer, the better). For Master league, you want the best you can get.

So see what the full collection of Groudons you come up with when the event ends, and then make intelligent decisions.

The only reason to power it up now is if it has Solar Beam, and you completely lack good counters for Thunder Kyogre, and non SB Groudon (which, since you just caught one, I doubt.)


There's still 9 days left in this Hoenn event. There are much better counters than Groudon to Thunder Kyogre and itself. Wait and see if you get a better one, then if you don't go nuts with the one you have. 91% shiny is damn impressive, but it's almost a Murphy's Law thing of sorts that once you begin to power it up you'll catch a better one a few raids later.


More proof there are 100% pokemon out there...

However, myself/family team haven't seen a shiny Kyogre nor a shiny Groudon this event...45 to 50 encounters, most were Groudon. During the previous Kyogre release with the same number of encounters and we totaled 4 shiny Kyogre.
