
The "big 19" basic explanation – Golem (week: 2-3-2) – Mud Slap is losing to Mud Shot

Flareon week: & &
Golem week: & &

If we look at the DPS to a 10/10/10 IV Tyrantiar, while Golem is at the same level and being having 10/10/10 IV:
RT/SE: 11.697 DPS
RT/Earthquake: 12.656 DPS
MSl/Earthquake: 10.371 DPS
MSh/Earthquake: 10.857 DPS
Rock Throw does superior damage compared to Mud Slap/Shot, even though ground hits super effective into Tyrantiar, while rock hitting neutrally.
Earthquake with super effective damage is superior to Stone Edge in this case.
Mud Shot builds energy fast and gains more advantage in the flooring issue compared to Mud Slap.

However, in the Blissey match-up, Mud Slap/Shot movesets particularly have "no chance" of being superior to Rock Throw here:
RT/SE: 10.424 DPS
RT/Earthquake: 10.330 DPS
Stone Edge is better here in a short time of total damage output and is great for efficient dodging.
Earthquake is decent, but not as good as Stone Edge here, neither good for dodging nor total damage output.

Next post, in the next week, will be Exeggutor!

Asked by 333-blue7 years ago